Superhero films, especially those from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, have dominated the box office for years. However, the tide is turning...
Bob Iger's return to Disney in a shifting landscape where Disney+ lost $1.1 billion in 2022 and faced disappointments like Ant-Man 3 signals a significant decline.
But this isn't just about Hollywood—it reflects a shift in how we consume content and connect with stories.
Could the rise of "wokeness" be influencing this?
Add to that the surge of streaming platforms like Netflix and the short attention spans of Generation Z (and even older generations), who prefer engaging with TikTok and YouTube, and you get a fragmented audience with evolving preferences!
What does this mean for you, the entrepreneur, leader, or content creator?
It’s a call to action!
The era of big-budget productions monopolizing attention is ending.
Platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter allow you to build engaged communities and become "influencers."
People are seeking stories they can relate to and authentic connections. Make storytelling your superpower.
Deadpool X Wolverine releases in July:
I bet with a friend that it will be Marvel's last big hit—why?
It brings humor and personality!
This superhero has been highly anticipated for years.
What makes him unique is that he's the only Marvel character who knows he's in the Marvel universe and was created by comic artists.
Isn’t that wonderfully quirky and authentic?
Personal Branding, Your New Superhero Cape:
In a world saturated with content, strong personal branding is essential to stand out.
Position yourself as the go-to expert in your field.
Provide valuable insights, showcase your expertise, and earn your audience's trust.
Just as Disney must navigate the challenges of ESPN (facing declining TV subscriptions) and changing viewing habits, you need to adapt to the evolving landscape.
Experiment with different formats, explore new platforms, and refine your strategy based on data.
The decline of superhero movies is an evolution, an opportunity for enthusiasts.
Embrace the power of your story and become the hero of your own entrepreneurial journey.
Final Word:
I've met several brilliant people on LinkedIn who hesitate to post too much.
TO YOU: Don’t let your talent and knowledge become someone else’s retirement!
You're welcome, Alan Powell.
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This was really good Alan Powell and important to share. Thanks for sharing this!
2 people like this
You're welcome Leonardo. I'm curious to know if you have your own experience(s) that resonate with what I said? That is from a screenwriting writing perspective? I suppose I could ask the same of Maurice...?
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Yes, Alan Powell but in it lies in the general waiting part. I wasn't always grounded in who I am so waiting to hear back on opportunities was always super tough. And then when/if I did hear back and...
Expand commentYes, Alan Powell but in it lies in the general waiting part. I wasn't always grounded in who I am so waiting to hear back on opportunities was always super tough. And then when/if I did hear back and the result was negative, it was always devastating. That's no longer the case. We have to separate our value from the work. For me, that was found in my spiritual life through gobs of prayer and finally realizing and believing that the two are separate.
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so true Leonardo! and the fact is, learning the craft of screenwriting, or acting or any craft takes time and patience and dedication. None of which is representative of our value as people. Like you said, the two are separate.