Acting : Actually Got Fired From A Show - Never Told This Horrible Story Before by Aaron Marcus

Aaron Marcus

Actually Got Fired From A Show - Never Told This Horrible Story Before

Actually Got Fired From A Show - Never Told This Horrible Story Before

Geert Van Nieuwenhove

Really sorry to hear that happend to you :(

We live in strange times, where every word, as kind as it may be, can (and probably will) be seen and something to give you trouble...

Maurice Vaughan

Sorry that happened to you, Aaron Marcus. Thanks for sharing the advice and insight for up-and-coming actors to use.

Aaron Marcus

I really appreciate both of your responses. It took me a long time (decades) before I finally felt comfortable to share this in public. Hope others can learn from my experiences. Please share it with your fellow actors. Thank you again.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Aaron Marcus. Glad you decided to share this publicly so it can help others.

Suzanne Bronson

I really appreciate your bravery Aaron Marcus in sharing this. I have been fired from jobs as well. Not as publicly but it does leave you feeling like crap.. While you may have been technically in the wrong, that AD was out of line by yelling and humiliating you in front of others. How you treat other people is about you not them, and he is the one who should be embarrassed not you. I probably would have filed a complaint with SAG and DGA.

Also, you are not alone in your experience. I worked as an extra for 4 years in LA and while I personally was not publicly fired, I have seen and heard stories of ADs, wardrobe, etc dressing down A list celebrities. A list! so feel flattered in whose company you are in. You are not the ONLY one. TRUE STORY!!!

Geert Van Nieuwenhove

Suzanne Bronson I agree, heard the stories too. Makes you wonder why people do those things, many of us would kiss our hands to be in a position of an AD, to help people and the movie rise to their best of what they can be. But although getting fired certainly does something with you, there are always worse things around the corner. And keep in mind, in Europe, Unions don't exist...

Aaron Marcus

Thank you all so much for such wonderful words. It really means a lot to me. I can still hear what Tom Hanks said to me after I thanked him for creating such a warm, friendly and calming feeling on the set. He said, "Aaron, we are all on the same team here. The extras, crew, catering. Our job is to work together in making something great." I will never forget his words. I truly wish everyone would here his wisdom and use them on all productions.

Maurice Vaughan

Tom Hanks is one of my favorite actors, Aaron Marcus. Great to hear he's so friendly.

David Foy Bauer

Thanks for sharing, Aaron. It's not always fun and straight forward in this biz (HAH!) , but when you work as much as you do, this is bound to happen eventually.

Stephen Folker

Aaron Marcus - this is a good example of someone abusing power. Alot of people in this business have egos, that need deflated. As a filmmaker, I'm trying to get a project of the ground and spoke with a potential producing partner, who I felt I wasn't the right fit. I told this person very nicely, thanks for your time, but I'm going to move in a different direction. Their response told me everything I needed to know. Rude, unprofessional. Moral of the story, treat everyone with respect.

Aaron Marcus

Thank you for your generous comments. I agree. Making a project is hard enough. Although I don't have these options, but if I did, I would only surround myself with people that were great, I trusted, were good to be around and those who I knew would do whatever it takes to make something special. And, do it in a way without hurting others.

Aaron Marcus

Maurice, Tom Hanks was incredibly kind, humble and so nice to everyone on the set.

Leonardo Ramirez

Aaron Marcus I watched this (and subscribed) and it was pretty gut-wrenching. I'm sorry you went through that but I admire you for sharing it. I often think of how I would work with people if I had my own production company and one thing is for sure, you can't please everyone but you can care for all of them genuinely and give selflessly as if they were your own family. Love well.

Aaron Marcus

Thank you so much Leonardo,. This is so kind of you. We do not have to love everyone we are working with. But, we do need to always be kind, respectful and communicate well. Even if we don't always agree. I read that you are a martial artist. And, one of the most important thing is to avoid conflict. Even when you know the outcome. I have been very fortunate and out of nearly 1,300 bookings, there have only been a few instances where I have experienced really nasty things on sets. I hope my story helps others so they can avoid bad situations.

Christian Cujovic

Thank you for being so honest about this painful experience and giving others the opportunity to learn from it! I think sharing experiences is of great value for the commutity.

Aaron Marcus

Thank you very much, Christian. Although this experience happened decades ago, it still felt a little raw while sharing it. Yes, my purpose was to try and help others avoid this type of situation. Congratulations on all of your success. Who knows, maybe we will get a chance to work together on one of your horror films.

Leonardo Ramirez

I have zero doubt that your story will help others, Aaron Marcus . My daughter has expressed an interest in acting and this is one of the videos I set aside for her to watch. And you're right about the martial arts - the first and last lesson we teach is how to walk away. Thankfully, my daughter is a martial artist as well and she's pretty good about walking away while retaining her confidence. Look forward to more of your videos Aaron.

Aaron Marcus

Always feel free to have your daughter contact me ( or you) if you have any industry questions.

I like surrounding myself with others who also like and want to help others. I think it is a good way to run my business and life

Leonardo Ramirez

That is so awesome of you Aaron Marcus. She happens to be here for the weekend. I read your comment to her and she was floored by it. So very kind. And yes, we will come to you. Thank you so much!

Suzanne Bronson

Man, the love on this thread is making me cry. You guys are awesome, wish I knew you IRL.

Aaron Marcus

Hi Suzanne. What is IRL?

Yes, everyone here has been so kind and generous. These are the people that always keeps me going and working hard at sharing information with.

I have always liked to surround myself with others who have the same philosophy. It has helped me with work, but even more importantly in life

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