Acting : Helpless After Audition- When Should You Actually Hear Results by Aaron Marcus

Aaron Marcus

Helpless After Audition- When Should You Actually Hear Results

Helpless After Audition- When Should You Actually Hear Results

After actors audition, how long does it take for production to make decisions on whom to call back, pin or book? Watch the video and find out:

For those on the production side of the industry, let us know the process and how long it takes for decisions to be made.

Brigitte Millar

Hi Aaron, great answer...So reassuring. Thank you.

Tom Lapke

One of my superpowers as an actor was completely forgetting about an audition after it was done. I sometimes had to ask them to remind me what the project was if the callbacks were a while past the first audition, but it kept me sane.

Aaron Marcus

Thank you Brigitte,. Tom, that is a great power to have. I am normally pretty good at letting go after auditioning. But, every once in a while, when the project or role is really special, I have to admit, i will think about it a little while after auditioning,

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