Acting : promo clips for "The Officials" by Derek Stephen McPhail

Derek Stephen McPhail

promo clips for "The Officials"

this past week I attended "The Puck Drop Party" in downtown Toronto, to celebrate the launch of a series of promotional video clips, for "The Officials", a TV series pilot, to be shot this fall. I'm cast as "Ken Reese", a retired Canadian professional hockey player and amateur league scout, who has become the general manager of a small town hockey arena. feel free to check out this link to the various intros to the motley crew of wacky referees and linesmen:

The Officials
The Officials
"The Officials" is a no holds barred comedy for the web. Centered on the men hockey fans love to hate; the sentinels of rink-law, the beat cops of the ice: The Officials. Follow us into the alcohol fu…
Marcus Bodington

This is how a teaser should like like, short, sweet (not literally) and to the point, very well done my friend.

Derek Stephen McPhail

thank you, Marcus, for the feedback. of course, the kudos need to be directed to writer/director, Greg Rosen and his excellent crew, not to mention the other fine actors he has cast in this fun project.

Marcus Bodington

Will do!

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