Read a Good Book Lately? : The Fine Art Of Juggling ... Well, Everything Really ... by James Ellis

James Ellis

The Fine Art Of Juggling ... Well, Everything Really ...

THE FINE ART OF JUGGLING … WELL, EVERYTHING REALLY… Well, thankfully the neck injury that pretty much floored me this last weekend is slowly on the mend, and I’m now able to move my writing arm again. In my last post I mentioned what a very busy month July was ( and hot and humid and sweaty, but let’s not go there ) but it was just that, a very busy month. Promotion, work, sleep. promotion, work, sleep, etc. What about the writing?! Of course, I thought, August is going to be a lot quieter isn’t it … Well, no, because it never really works out like that does it. Every time I promise myself some time off, that ‘thing’ normal people do when they just chill in the garden or just sit back and watch live who’s just been cast as the next Doctor. ( Peter Capaldi, excellent choice by the way! ) You know, that normal thing when your brain isn’t thinking of three or ten things at once, at least a few of them something you’re currently writing and the rest something you’re thinking of writing. There never seems to be a point where that time off happens, it’s more a case of things just overlap. Ah, gentle reader, will I ever learn. Um, probably not! I’m currently gearing up and doing research for the second half of the third novel in ‘The Dream Spheres trilogy, which is becoming so large in scale it feels like it’s another book in itself. And while that’s percolating away, I’m putting together a trilogy of new song lyric collections, well, they’re already written, but not typed up yet. So does that really count anyway? And now somehow a little story, which may or may not be called ‘The Cat & the Brand New Hat’ has slipped itself into my thoughts as well, a very short story for very young children, that’s very good at niggling away at me. Oh, and by the way, promotion for ‘The Fairytale Thief’ is still going full steam ahead. So please buy a copy. It’s still currently available from; Low Prices in Electronics, Books, Sports Equipment & more Low Prices in Electronics, Books, Sports Equipment & more
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Brianna Lee McKenzie

Tweeted. Good luck!

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