Hey there. So I'm a beginner at making music for film and I'd really like to get some feedback on how this piece I made sounds or feels like. I use Ableton Live for context, thank you! :)
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Hey Goitsemang Chalumbila - I tried loading it 3x and it wouldn't play. If you'll check, I'd be happy to take a listen.
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Hi Leonardo Ramirez I have just checked and it's playing. Could you please try again using the following link?
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Welcome to the community, Goitsemang Chalumbila. Incredible job on the music! I think the piece would fit in a Faith-based, Family, Musical, or Historical movie/show.
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I listened to it on my phone Goitsemang Chalumbila and it sounded BEAUTIFUL!! I loved the ethereal feel. I think it's a setting on my computer that wouldn't let me listen. But I absolutely loved it! Nicely done!
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Are you writing this for a specific movie? If yes, what kind of movie? Are you going to write lyrics?
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Beautiful... I could hear words coming to me as it was playing! Felt very Disney to me.
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Rebecca James Thank you so much for your feedback!
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Lenny Levy It's not for a specific film but for a concept, where the protagonist having some sort of an epiphany in a rather hopeless looking situation. No, I was planning on leaving the piece with no lyrics.
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I listened on iPhone also, Goitsemang Chalumbila .
Instrumental does have the light /ethereal sound.
It does sound good and off to a great start with the Song’s journey.
I would need to hear on the studio monitors for a little more feedback. Is there more than one track ? It sounds like one keyboard part.
I thought I heard a little crackle in the :26 a :30 range, … then again … it could be the iPhone ! ;-)
If you have another track, might be cool to place the top melody in another track- or better yet …
Play it in - so the music has more nuances to it-
..: anything to help our MIDIand pieces sound more real - lol ;-). Ha ha In said our !! It’s a good thing to add realism in many ways. Your piece is fine ! Keep creating !!
Most sync pieces are 2:30 or longer. Edit points are usually :30 & :60 - from Taxi TV and a few other music Sync people I’ve learned from.
Can you make it to :60 ??’
I use different elements like meter, different music styles like swing or Latin to help extent length.
On the See me Tonight piece I dis 2 years ago, for this guys Collaboration album, I made it swing in section C then come back out to A.
It’s on my Apple Music distribution account.
The Apple link is on my website.
Sounds great !