Composing : Seeking Contact Info for Liza Richardson by DT Houston

DT Houston

Seeking Contact Info for Liza Richardson

Hello everyone. Does anybody know veteran Music Supervisor Liza Richardson? I'd like to get in touch with Liza regarding a music biopic feature I have. When Liza was a DJ at KCRW in the early 1990s, she was one of the first people to showcase this musician with a live set on air. I think she'd be the perfect person to handle Music Supervision for the film. Sort of a full circle opportunity should she be interested in joining on. I do know her agent, but I'd like to approach direct. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! -- DT

DT Houston

Scratch that. I found her. Connected. All good!

Elena Maro

Glad you found her, DT Houston !

DT Houston

Thanks, Elena Maro. A random internet people search site engine turned up just about everything but Liza's shoe size! Most info was wrong, but her home address, cell phone and business/company were correct. After freaking her out a little bit with a stone cold text, "How did you find me/me number?," she was delightful, funny, and instantly interested, "Love to! Yes! Can't wait to hear more!" I sent her the script last night. Once in a while the hustle turns into a little good luck. It's her job if she wants it, and I'm pretty confident she does. With a music biopic that requires deft hands with music publishing rights, this is a vital and important addition to the project.

Elena Maro

That's great DT Houston ! :)

Ashley Renee Smith

I'm glad that you were able to connect with her, DT Houston!

DT Houston

Hey Bobby Katz, I will DM you. I can tell you here that Liza is super busy with more than a full plate of activeTV/Film projects. But she does have other Music Supervisors on staff at her company. Is your project already financed w/budget?

DT Houston

Thank you Elena Maro and Ashley Renee Smith. Appreciate that. In the taking a very Big Swing department, hoping to enlist the legend, Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin, as Music Composer for a guitar-driven heartbeat which provides nuanced and emotive connective tissue for the story...

Elena Maro

That’s exciting, DT Houston . Sending good vibes your ways that it happens!

DT Houston

Thanks Elena Maro. We're connected Bobby Katz. I DM'd you...

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