Your Stage : New TV network .. need a name NOW..Giving away stuff by Robert Niebrzydowski

Robert Niebrzydowski

New TV network .. need a name NOW..Giving away stuff

OK my friends from Stage 32...Im in development for a new TV station..will be a combination of music (interviews/vids/live shows) And TV/Film. Thus I need a name for the station. Ill give a prize to the winning name..and if you have a project..Ill air it on the station...I cant say where its going to be seen (location) But to my understanding the station will be in 25 million house holds..So can you guys help??

Julie Randolph

ALL TV or Edge TV or FRNT Media

Robert Niebrzydowski

Hey Julie...loving "Edge".."FRNT Media is not bad either. Thanks!

Tabitha Baumander

MESSAGE Slogan= This is our medium and this is our message.

Sandra Tinka

creative tv, sounds common but good to me hope u like it

El Hadj M. Loudhni

RN Sky tv

Irena Huljak

CTTV. As in city tv

Irena Huljak

I don't think it exists.

Marjorie Roden

Too Much TV

Albert Barrera

NEW THRESHOLD TV. Exploring new frontiers - creating new boundaries.

Robert Niebrzydowski

Hi Nate..traget market is a large one..teen's to 40yrs. As for the name I do have a favorite already :) The projects Im looking for are must be action packed..doesnt have to be music related..yes shorts also. So for the most part me and my partners will decide what fits and what doesnt. If you have something you would like to share please send on over :)

Melody Brooke

Hi Robert, a great name would be SHINE. Here is a link to our film THE RECEPTION which I think would fit well, great music in this short film about an over aged adolescent of 29 who can't seem to get out of her small town as she is dragged to yet another reception by her eager mother where she reengages with a love interest.

Robert Niebrzydowski

Hey Melody..Ill check it out today

Julian Rodriguez

How about Canvas? Slogan could be "this is art"

Julian Rodriguez

Do you need editors?

Robert Niebrzydowski

Julian..Im going to be needing a lot of crew me in your contacts and get back to me in a few weeks. Thanks

Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Ground TV!!! As a electrical engineering metaphore and in the same time a basis for belief, action, or argument, Earth surface, etc...

Robert Niebrzydowski

Grond TV is not all that bad..there have been some great suggestions to this point..keep them coming my friends :) OH..Send material vids/interview type shows/ action packed shorts/films

Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Thanks. I will see what I can repack for TV out of my stuff...

Mark Souza

YOUR TV - Find your music and your entertainment on YOUR TV

Janet Caulfield

How bout ACTION VIBES for a title? I have a screenplay I wrote for a movie of the week called CITY DWELLERS. I love music and films, so there's a lot of both. It's posted here on Stage 32.

Lina Jones

I got one for ya "SETV Simply Entertainment Television" or "WET We Entertain Television".

Madia-as Digdigan Buenaflor


Nathan Riddle

Call it ZED!

Cynthia Garbutt


Cynthia Garbutt

Clarification. wicked (adverb) Slang. very; really; totally: That shirt is wicked cool.

Mark Souza

That really works if the station is based out of Boston.

Cynthia Garbutt

Didn't you know, "wicked" is the latest "hot" word, better than "cool" It'll be a household word, in no time at all. BTW, what's your suggestion.

Randall Roffe

"wicked" was said over 2 decades ago by all my friends, CG

Randall Roffe


Robert Niebrzydowski

Wicked sound like all Boston to me :)

Robert Niebrzydowski

Im loving the suggestions my friends..keep them coming..I do already have a top 5

Shawn M. Smith

MAST - Music. Art. Saves. Television. just kicking around some ideas with the wife and that came to mind.

Thomas J Starich

WATCH TV - It sounds cool and works as a subliminal gag. You could design some really awesome Orwellian logos and promos. Maybe have someone breaking free of the regime at the end of the promos or something.

Thomas J Starich

I don't think so. I've never heard of it. Granted, I don't know every provider, but I've never seen it on digital cable or DirecTV.

Sye Muhammad

How about for a name "Entertainment Box" or "The Industry" ?

Mary Filmer

Hi Robert, why not call it something totally different from all the rest. Just one word or a number. That way it can become something that people can remember when you make your promotions and have it flash through your ideas of what you are going to have on. Like your interviews /vids/live shows. Maybe something like Station 21. Because it is for the age we are given the key to the front door. So your station is the key to entertainment. Just a thought. Mary Filmer Children's Author.

Cynthia Garbutt

We say wicked in the UK. Just like all the youngsters like me, started saying cool, back in the 60s - in the US.

Thomas J Starich

BUZZ TV (I checked it out and it doesn't look like anyone is using it. A few shows are called "buzz" but not a station.) HYSTERIA is another one that comes to mind. You could play it up with marketing, "TV so good... etc etc." FRAY TV (Fray meaning action or battle since you're pitching action and adventure. "Once more into the Fray")

Robert Niebrzydowski

Wow! So many I dont know which to choose!!!!

Robert Niebrzydowski

Im thinking a "ONE" name title..but not decided just yet

Christopher Kardos

ONE? Once NeverEnding?

Glen Kinnaird

Call it "NOW" Want to see what's happening? Watch NOW!

Glen Kinnaird

The When and Where in One Word... plus, it's current and I don't think OWN will mind you borrowing their letters.

Robert Niebrzydowski

Thanks to everybody..and yes the name will be of "one" word :)

Robert Niebrzydowski

submitting all to my producer

Mary Filmer

Hi Robert, what about "Essential". Meaning necessary, indispensable, of or constituting essence of person or thing . Indispensable element or thing. Just a thought. Mary Filmer Children's Author.

Robert Niebrzydowski

OK guys..most of the names are taken..I need more examples please :) Thanks work..something that can sell..branded

Janet Caulfield


Albert Barrera

How about "ONE-TV".

Robert Niebrzydowski

I think one tv is taken Albert

Forest Robin


Janet Scott

VETV. VE.TV Virtual entertainment TV

Janet Scott


Janet Scott

Airon TV

Beka I Am


Janet Scott

Channel....TV Channel Broadcasting........ CBT

Michael J. Citak

Savage TV

Janet Scott

Bulls eye. BROADCASTING Bulls eye Production BEE Entertained.... POD Productions...

Janet Scott

HIVE Channel

Michael J. Citak


Michael J. Citak


Janet Scott


Janet Scott

WHAT NOW....Broadcasting... WNB

Janet Scott


Janet Scott

Bee Entertained...tune in to the HIVE for a hub of Entertainment....

Janet Scott

AERO American Entertainment... right on.

Janet Scott


Janet Scott


Janet Scott


Beth Fox Heisinger

You may already have a name... but how 'bout VERGE TV; or CURRENT.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Just thinking... With VERGE, you could say, "on the Verge," or "next, on the Verge." Nice double meaning. CURRENT too has a nice double meaning -- what's the latest thing, and of course, water, or a river, the ebb and flow of what's happening in the industry.

Shawn M. Smith

CURRENT is a great name, but there already is one. They used to be a client at a previous company that I worked at.

Owen A Smith Gtc Dggb

Bass beat TV??

Carla Masterson

Ripple TV Network.. being cause and effect or EYE 2 EYE TV

Angelique Little


Robert Niebrzydowski

Close to choosing!!!!

Janet Scott

Good Luck..........Tossing you a four leaf clover....

Albert Barrera


Albert Barrera

Oops, scratch that one off the list.

Nicci Hartland

How about Muarts TV? Music and arts combined.

Massimo Gallina

How about SPOTLIGHT TV. thought of it on the spot :)

Janet Scott

I still like.... HIVE... HIVE5 You can play around with words.... Get the latest BUZZZZZZZZZZ on Entertainment.....For the latest Buzz,,,, If its humming....You can guarantee we'll tell you about it.... There will always BEE Entertainment....

Mary Filmer

HI Robert, what name did you come up with in the end? Mary Filmer Children's Author

Alex Kruse

How about Origins, or a play on that word? For a couple different reasons - one, it's a fresh start for you guys. Two, it's a nod to the original music networks back when they played videos, in particular if you guys are featuring new talent (they can say they got their start on your network). Three, for the same reason as above, it serves as a starting block for a lot of film makers if you're willing to take fresh talent in that industry. It sounds like a potential home base for a lot of people, hence the name.

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