Filmmaking / Directing : First film by Director Shadadow

Director Shadadow

First film

Any advice for young indie artists on filming there first film

Director Shadadow

First film

Kevin T. Morales

Get good sound.

Director Shadadow

Thanks Kevin

Paul Cwalina

check out some great options in regards to gopro camera rentals and other camera options at

Director Shadadow

Thanks great advice

Anthony Michael Hobbs

Wait until you have a great script, don't rush, and really really really really really really really gasp really really really really like the story. If you love it it'll come out good...and EVEN I LEARNED with my first short film One Nation that children are hard to work with, and I'M a child!!!!About half way through I needed my mom to help handle the kids. I'll probably be the best child actor EVER now. Cause now, I totally get it! totally!

Lina Jones

Sound and camera.... that's what I look for. #goodluck

Rafael Pinero

Make sure you have very good sound and a great ending in your script

Director Shadadow

Thanks Raf

Regina Lee

Be sure your first film, no matter the budget, conveys your signature as a filmmaker.

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