Filmmaking / Directing : Who would you cast? by Mike Chinea

Mike Chinea

Who would you cast?

Who would you cast for a mid-twenties female lead? Money and genre are no object. I thank you for your thoughts.

Mike Chinea

Why not you? All three are good choices.

Mike Chinea

Continue building your reel and resume. You looked good on the music video.

Mike Chinea

Nikki, I would love to work with either one or both. Would you believe both were considered too old for this project? That’s Hollywood. Depending on the final budget, when and if we ever get the green light we might be going with an unknown for the female lead. I suggested Brian Dennehy for the father figure and William Levy as the love interest. Here’s the interesting part, nobody had any problems with Brian Dennehy playing the part of someone 30 years younger than him. Next meeting (maybe the last meeting) on this project is next Friday.

Patrick "pH" Hampton

Love this question. Right now would say Jennifer Lawrence because of hunger games, Dianna Agron leaving Glee and already having a studio movie not being glee under her belt, and I am loving Suits a little to much so I would have to so with Meghan Markle she just has that look to her and has been hitting her marks amazingly.

Mike Chinea

Patrick, good choices, Jennnifer Lawrence was top of the wish list with Dianna Agron and Megham Markle not far behind.

Patrick "pH" Hampton

Thanks Mike. Love casting questions! The process not so much though. From both sides.

Amanda-Ashley Carrigan

I would have to agree with Patrick. Dianna would be a fabulous choice, as would Jennifer Lawrence. I would even say Gabrielle Christian. Haha. I can only wish it were that easy. There is a lot of good talent out there. =] Challenging question.

Jude Evans

I'd be looking at actresses like Gemma Arterton, Mia Wasikowska, Carey Mulligan, Ruth Wilson... All actresses who've proved a lot in the last couple of years.

Patrick "pH" Hampton

These are all good actresses. The question is would they carry a cast and a movie. Talent only gets you so far. The name of an actor can sell a film.

Robin Patterson

What's the genre or premise for your film?

Ashley Kennedy

I would cast me. I'm late 20's but look early to mid 20s, I can play sexy, bad girl, girl next door whatever I'm expected to do. I'm a serious actress, I consider my acting styles a lot like Reese Witherspoon & Katherine Isabelle, two completely different actresses I know but i can play many types of roles and I.commit myself to a role. I'll lose 50lbs, gain 50lbs, shave my head, whatever it takes for a role I'm interested in.

Patrick "pH" Hampton

@ Ashley. The one thing you don't have is the name behind you to drive a feature and sell tickets. Your cast is what sells your project and gets you financing today. Yet most people will invest unless your cast is attached and cast would attach themselves until they see proof of funds. Welcome to another catch 22 of film and casting.

Mike Chinea

Robin, it's a bio-pic set in the early '70's. A young woman breaks the glass ceiling in a male dominated industry. It's a project near and dear to my heart.

Robin Patterson

Alexandra Daddario or Mary Elizabeth Winstead. They both have awesome dymanic ranges as actresses. And, they can maintain a certain softness while portraying a gritty edge at the same time if need be.

Caroline Larcombe

Personally I think Lauren Cohan is excellent at the moment. She has quite a mysterious but sharp quality about her. On the other hand... me?

Sean O'Connor

I would go Evan Rachel Wood as I think she has the emotional depth an actress like (and no disrespect to her as she is very pleasing on the eye) Scarlett Johansson doesn't have.

Amanda-Ashley Carrigan

Dakota would be fantastic. She is a charm. I haven't seen her unable to play any character.

Andy McIlwraith

Emma Stone.

Patrick "pH" Hampton

@ Nikki you are right but it all depends on the role itself and your other attachments. If you already have a star studded cast then putting an unknown in can really make the piece. The sad thing is that Hollywood is all about the $$$ right now. The bigger the name the potential the more people will buy or see the film. Making it a bigger issue to people trying to break in because all the money is going to these projects.

Caroline Larcombe

Oooh yes Andy i'll agree with you about Emma Stone! she's such a headstrong sort of girl she'd be great!

Patrick "pH" Hampton

@Nikki I use the term Hollywood as the Studio system of how they develop and shot their projects. Right now to work Studio you need to be Hollywood. A lot of actors have their stage names which is great. Like you I am an artist as the sense of the word. Still Hollywood has exposure like no other for world wide appeal. The goal of being a true artist is having your work seen to effecting people around you with your vision. Sometimes you have to play ball to win the game.

Mike Chinea

Impressive group. Thank you everybody for all your well thought out suggestions. I didn't think this post was going to go far. Hopefully we'll have the director locked down soon and I will post her choice or as much as the NDA allows. I thank you all again and I hope to work with more of you in the near future.

Patrick "pH" Hampton

Good luck Mike!

Amanda-Ashley Carrigan

Good luck Mike! Look forward to hearing more! =]

Talullah Windmill

Good luck finding your girl I am sure any actress with honesty, integrity and talent in her mid 20s will fit the bill, it depends on her personal energy and what the project needs. I think it is a misconception that money buys you a 'better actress' (although it makes it easier to sell the finished product!) or that there is one 20-something actress who is the best choice for everyone. I am sure you will find her and it will be because something bonds you, what it is may be infinite. Looking forward to hearing more!

Mark Ratering

Kristen Stewart so hot you'll burn yourself

Mark Ratering

Rock but it's good no direction just count money. And maybe I could sleep with her, she likes older men!!!

Mark Ratering

That's why I have a manner and chisel. But it could get messy.

Kamala Lane

Emily Blunt, Jurnee Smollett, Evan Rachel Wood

Stephanie Mejlaq

I would love to be considered!!

Angela Giorgio

I would agree with Patrick and Amanda. Dianna Agron and Gabrielle Christian for sure! And for someone with more experience I'd choose Keira Knightley.

Mike Chinea

Terrific choices over all. Christopher, I have met with Lindsay and she is a terrific actor and a really nice person but I have no idea who she is now. The insurance premiums alone could bury this project.

Brownie & Billy Wiseman

Kiele Michelle Sanchez?

Scott Murrish

Agnes Bruckner or Abbie Cornish

Paul Reynolds

I would put Emma Stone at the top of the list if money is no object followed by Kristen Stewart and Carey Mulligan

Adrian Wilkinson

I would cast a unknown with huge talent and make them huge...

Brownie & Billy Wiseman

Adrian? Ummmm You Need My Address? :+}

Michaela Andrews

Jennifer Lawrence

Brownie & Billy Wiseman

you know one person we are overlooking Kristine Caluya you said she is an up and coming actor and i meet her in person brownie worked with her and she is a very nice person why not take her?

Chad Anderson

Mila Kunis

Brownie & Billy Wiseman

good choice Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher Reportedly Seeking Help For Macaulay Culkin Drug Use.? i like Macaulay Culkin he came to starbucks at 7am according to a friend of mine and i didnt understand why that Starbucks and now i see why and also see Mila Kunis is trying to help him. this would be a good choice.

Preston Jones (Gunslinger)

I do like Mila Kunis.

Mara Lee Gilbert

Hi Mike! I would cast myself based on your brief synopsis of a woman breaking the glass ceiling in a male dominated industry. I am drawn to roles of women in a power struggle - often that involves a sexual element, but not always - but a woman comfortable with handling herself amongst men is definitely an area I can bring a lot to the table. Check out my website for more info on myself and my work Thanks for asking the question!

Brownie & Billy Wiseman

Mrs.Hilbert with all due respect Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream that everyone no matter what color are equal. you sound so full of yourself :+{ my dog brownie cant even talk like us but she knows she was in a movie and still loves everyone even you.

Sebastian Paradis

Hi Mike. Being a devotee of Brit talent, I have to recommend Gemma Arterton. See

Glen Kinnaird

Meghan is my pick of those you mentioned.

Hannah Goodman

I would probably either say myself as well, ha ha. Or Crystal Reed, most popular for Teen Wolf these days, but really pretty and with some experience outside the TV world with Crazy, Stupid, Love.

Mike Chinea

Thank you everyone. I have taken your suggestions to heart. I've been walking on air for the last week or so since I was told that 3 A-List top leading ladies liked the script. It is still a long way to go but we've reached a major milestone.

Brownie & Billy Wiseman

Your welcome glad i was one of the people that showed you the tin man :+} didn't know you was jesus he is the only one i heard about walking on air oops water and to bad im not a girl i didn't get to see the script :+{

Mike Chinea

Billy, all is not lost. Brownie may get a shot yet.

Nichole Joubert

Mike congratulations on all your recent success! I can only imagine how long and hard this road has been for you and how awesome you must be feeling right now. Your questions has many parts to it. There's a lot to consider when casting. There's your target audience, organic chemistry with other cast members, sex appeal, reach, bankability and at the end of it all you need someone who's right for the actual role the way it is written. There's a lot going on in Hollywood right now and more than enough talent to fit any role. And just below that the rungs are filled with hungry up and comers who could knock any role out the park. Good luck with it all. Can't wait to see the finished product!

Brownie & Billy Wiseman

Hopefully By a Camera crew :+}

Brownie & Billy Wiseman

taylor inman if that was directed at me i was Trying to be Funny, I never said i was The Star :+}

Brownie & Billy Wiseman

mike i thought i added some photos to the ACTS Thrift Store photo page guess i didnt they just got uploaded. one of the photos can be found on the Mayfield Senior School facebook page at or

Brownie & Billy Wiseman

look for the only dog and you found me

Lanette Ware-Bushfield

Mila Kunis

Brownie & Billy Wiseman

the security guard where i set and work on my computer till sometimes 1 or 2am came out and said he Talked to a few people in the store about Brownie and everyone here loves her. i have a very great dog :+} Im Really Glad i keeped her... guess i will go and find a place to Hide Out For The Night. good night all

Michael "Cap" Caputo

Chastelyn Rodriguez. Nuff Said.

Chad Anderson

Mila Kunis

Brownie & Billy Wiseman

last post was funny



Mike Chinea

Jair, I don't mind you pushing your books but you are way off topic here. You're bordering on spam.



Brownie & Billy Wiseman

bordering on spam? :+} ill have mine Toasted and Hold The Rabbit Food :+}

Mika Carten (they/them/theirs)

I would definitely have to say Dianna Agron.

Anikka Forbes

An Aspiring Unknown Actress, like Myself or any on Stage32 ;o)

Brownie & Billy Wiseman

Aspiring Unknown Actress? would have said that fits brownie to a T however come next year she is not going to be unknown and in fact everyone will get upset :+} thats as far as im going with this. and the thrift store where me and brownie Volunteer at the store just won an award by the Pasadena Weekly Reader 2012 for the best thrift store in Pasadena and November 04 2012 Acts Thrift store will be Holding a Car wash and requesting donations to Raise Money To Get Me and brownie in a RV Or Trailer so we wont be homeless No More. this is what i want a lot and soon me and brownie wont be homeless.

Brownie & Billy Wiseman

brownie can be found in the acts video here

Timothy O'Brien Johnson

Casting to get big-budget funding and make bug-budget box-office: Kiera Knightley or Dakota Fanning (even though she's only 18, she can do it and act rings around any competition!), Also, Gabourey Sidibe, who's actually 29 for about 6 more months, so better act fast, but is in the same league with Dakota. And, that's about it. The rest are no-talent hacks that get by in this business based on their looks or the fact that they used to work for Disney.

Max Boyce

Hey Mike, Pretty sketchy request. 1920s or 2020s or 1620s? What genre? Straight, gay, transgender, allegorical, passion play, opera, splatter flick,animation, voice acting, etc. etc. Also are you asking for a specific name or a type? Hekkuba-ish, Livia-ish, Ophelia-ish, Drucilla-ish, Cleopatroa-ish, Elizabethan Queenly, Amazon-ish, Bodecia-ish, Rebecca-ish, Lady MacBeth-ish, Mata hari-ish, Daisy Miller-ish, Lady Gaga-ish--- Flapper-ish, whore-ish, out-spoken... etc. A-grade, B-grade, C-grade. Black, brown, white, yellow, red or combinations? Amputee, one-eyed, scared, tattooed, dancer, prancer, man-lancer? Jesus, maybe I should have become a casting agent...LOL

Julie Randolph

I thought of Dakota Fanning immediatley. She's so versatile. Or Emilie de Ravin or Allyson Hannigan.

Brownie & Billy Wiseman

mike you ask a question and you get the energizer bunny :+}

Thomas Koch

Emma Watson for sure. Lot of talent, lots of star power.

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