Distribution : How do I find the right Sales Rep? by Michele Traina

Michele Traina

How do I find the right Sales Rep?

I have been plugging away at finding the right producer and sales rep for my TV Series, Divorce Diaries, thoughts on where else to look for valuable sales reps that would be open to building a relationship? We have the pilot shot and it won some festival awards but ultimatly we need more funding to film season one and I'm looking for a rep that would be interested in helping us find distributors for pre sales so when we approach investors we have some distribution lined up.

I'm a stand up comic, actor, and writer and this new chapter of being a filmmaker and creator of a tv series is exciting and I"m open to learning.

Patricia J Pawlak

Since Netflix and amazon came on board revenues have dropped significantly so most sales reps are looking for finished product. Unless you have a big name or a Sequel to a film that has proved successful, pre sales are almost impossible. What are pre sales anyhow? You may presale a territory but all you tend to get is 10% and a contract then you take the contract to the bank and get a loan if they deemed the company worthy. I would check out the tv companies listed at MIPTV or MIPCOM to see if any would be interested based on your finished pilot. DO as much Social Media as you can, too. It can be done......good luck. PS. Here is a link to MIPTV Attendees. I used to go yearly and the sight is very helpful..https://www.miptv.com/en-gb/whos-is-coming.html

Cherelynn Baker

Congratulations to you Michele on getting your pilot shot and being ready for a sales rep. Note: the pilot you made most likely will not be what is aired though makes for a really great sales tool. Like a long sizzle reel. Where is your target market and audience? Perhaps narrow your focus to hone in on those sales reps/distribution houses that are hand in glove fit for your genre. The fun is in the fundamentals. You got this! Go get your dream!

John Ellis

Relationships will move this to the next level, connect you with the right reps. It really is all about who you know (after, you know, a kick-ass project).

Michele Traina

Thanks guys for the feedback! Cherelynn, yes I have been told that and completely understand and am ready to work with or partner with a production team to reshoot and film season one. I have been researching distribution houses and reps in my wheelhouse and not finding the right one at the moment but we have some potential prospects. The bump has been finding someone to help us finance film season one, I apologize if I'm not speaking in the correct verbiage but that's the honest overall challenge at the moment, and yet all part of the journey. Any suggestions are welcome

Garrett Thierry

Hi Michele, Savant Artists represents and consults with filmmakers who have finished their feature-length or short films. We advocate for filmmakers with all the major and many regional film festivals. We also advise on all aspects of distribution from traditional (theatrical, dvd, tv, vod, streaming, foreign) to DIY and hybrid models. We’ve represented films with micro budgets and budgets that are in the millions of dollars. We’ve represented narratives of all genres, documentaries on many diverse topics, tv series, and even foreign language films from all over the world. https://savantartists.com #filmmakers #film #independentfilm #independentfilmmaking #filmfestivals #filmdistribution #filmproduction #filmindustry #filmproducer #filmschool #filmmakers #independentfilmmaker #hollywoodmovies #filmmakinglife #screenwriting #screenwriter #screenwriters #director #directors #actor #actors #producer #productioncompany #filmproducers

Michele Traina

Thanks Garrett, sounds great, I'll check you guys out!! T

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