Distribution : In Distribution, Is it the Horse in Front of the Cart or the Other Way Around? by Philip David Lee

Philip David Lee

In Distribution, Is it the Horse in Front of the Cart or the Other Way Around?

In the world of independent film funding, we, the independent filmmaker, always find ourselves in a conundrum of information and advice. We always want to instill investor confidence but investors want to know if you have distribution lined up, distribution wants to know who is starring in your project and agents of talent want to know if the budget is in place. The unions, whether cast or crew, don't seem to have any real influence except when they want to turn the general public against them and hurt interest in your project and union leaders don't hold any of their members responsible for hurting the publicity of a film project. This is supposedly a team effort? How can it be when everyone on your team is out for themselves and egos are the useless currency that has absolutely no value and pays for nothing.

That being said, people suggest that you don't contact distribution until the project is done but investors want pre-sales. How can you have pre-sales if the movie is not done? It's not really sales but more of speculation. You can't really be a serious business man if you base things on pre-speculation. What kind of distribution deal can get based on pre-speculation? Now hopefully you can get a Letter of Interest which says a distribution company is interested in your project but doesn't commit them to a deal if the project turns out terrible, but even that is harder to get than developing stigmata during Easter. I really don't know what their hourly wage is, but how hard is it to write up a letter stating, "We are very interested in possibly being the distributor of your film and look forward to having an exclusive viewing of the screener." That sure as hell didn't take me that long to type that sentence and I'm not that fast a typist. So what gives?

Ultimately, it's all a chess game where your opponent doesn't want your King because in independent filmmaking, the King is just another powerless pawn. What they want is to enslave your Queen and let all the other pieces fall victim to their control.

It's truly sick how one can make the most solid of plans in a very risky industry and so much attention is given to a girl making an inaccurate sound effect to depict a p[private act of affection. I'm sure her bio-pic is in the works with a higher budget than my project and investors are just lining up licking their hawk tau muscles to spit in the hands of progress to make a deal. I wonder what their pre-speculation numbers are.

Gotta love filmmaking.

Arthur Charpentier

Welcome to the world of competitive business, where multinational corporations set the rules in order to destroy small businesses.

Mike Boas

Does anybody do presales anymore? That might be a thing of the past, at least in the low budget world.

Jon Shallit

Distribution is the hold up in many well-laid plans. No a-listers-not interested-but with a -listers the budget blows up 100x. Non-union-low budget-no a-listers-you can make a great film with 40 actors, many locations, great props, etc-for almost nothing-where are your a-listers??? LOL

Philip David Lee

Jon Shallit A-listers is such a deceptive term which has no true definition. It's no guarantee of anything and there are a number of examples of this. It's the same thing with the word "bankable talent." There are no compensation is your A-list actor opens his/her mouth about a non-film political issue and turns half the country against said talent or exposes themselves as pompous morons and turns off the general audience..

While I do not personally find Rachel Zegler all that offensive, her interviewing skills seem to rub people the wrong way and the live action Snow White is looking to be a disaster. Why would Peter Dinklage kill opportunity for other actors and why did Disney even listen to him? Now they are stuck with CGI dwarfs that do not represent "live action" and frankly look terrible?

One just has to make a professional film that inspires a huge amount of the movie going audience to see your film multiple times whether it's because it brings joy to them, inspires them, or gives them repeated thrills. A-listers only exist because of the material and execution and filmmakers have the responsibility to bring out their finest artistic and professional qualities to make great entertainment..

Ewan Dunbar

Its always a tricky juggling act. The classic "need cast to get funding - need funding to get cast" is a constant. But usually all you need is one of the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle to fall into place and the rest start to follow.

Sam Sokolow

Agree with Ewan Dunbar - there are no finites nor has the industry ever been set up for easy entry - but the one constant has always been getting that first element - an actor, one territory, first money in.

Philip David Lee

Sam Sokolow Don't I know it. What I'm sick of is the lying. I have a project with a kick ass cast waiting to commit once the funding is in. I have a concept that for the budget ($1.5M) is a sure sell in what is both a moderately low risk investment and has a very high curiosity factor attached to it while having a hook being common thread found in most families. It's thrilling. It's funny, it's unapologetic and desperately needed in a field of overpriced vapid content with a bar for profit set so high, a pole vaulter couldn't clear it if he was shot out of a cannon.

No, I don't have a distribution deal and to be honest, getting one now is a big mistake with all the Hollywood accounting going on, but seriously, you need to sell about 4.4 million tickets at $11.50 to have a $50M domestic gross. If you can't sell this product to 4.4 people out of 340 million in the United States alone, you really shouldn't be in the distribution business.

Still this entertainment lawyer (who I think was just looking for a retainer fee) said that I'm in the early stages of the process and there are too many unknowns. 1) You think being an entertainment lawyer for 20 years, you would know that that the whole business is based on unknowns! There is not one solid piece of data that you can compile, (and I'm not talking about the rental costs of Porta-potties) that doesn't leave you with more unknowns than knowns. The simple fact is either this guy doesn't know the business or when I said the IP wasn't for sale, he booked because that's all they want; to legally steal your work. "But I have too many unknowns..." Sounds like I know too many knowns so that I won't get screwed.

I love filmmaking but the people that keep it going, don't care about about profit and loss as long as you lose everything and they profit from everything you created. That should be your next lesson about filmmaking.

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