If you read the trades every morning (I do, I always listen to BENSONHURST (THR,VARIETY, DEADLINE) NETFLIX names always pop up. Then you can send them a query email or letter. I would also get on IMDBpro there is more contact info there. Also NETFLIX just announced they have a 6 BILLION dollar budget for 2017 to go shopping for content!!!!! So yeah my fellow New Yorker screenwriter/director/producer I know why you want to "Know a Guy" at NETFLIX. Hey how come you are not on my "working Network" of METRO NYC/DUTCH Stage 32 creatives? We should definitely have a Starbucks or a slice. Steven Harris Anzelowitz Hope this was some help. I will know if you put in a network request and join me and my other 40 Stage 32 METRO NYC creatives.
FYI- The DUTCH are in there because it is one of my 5 languages and I lived there in 1974 which is the name of one of my scripts: "AMSTERDAM 74". Right now my production company : CITY & SUBURBAN MOTION PICTURES,LLC has (3) copyrighted scripts in the works. If you want to know more or read those scripts they are posted on my LOGLINES page. I hope to shoot there in late 2017 or early 2018.
Hi Rob, the way you describe the show, it sounds like strip programming (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strip_programming), which is not really what Netflix focuses on, since they release for binge-watching. Based on your description, it sounds like an E show. But that's based on imperfect info.
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If you read the trades every morning (I do, I always listen to BENSONHURST (THR,VARIETY, DEADLINE) NETFLIX names always pop up. Then you can send them a query email or letter. I would also get on IMDBpro there is more contact info there. Also NETFLIX just announced they have a 6 BILLION dollar budget for 2017 to go shopping for content!!!!! So yeah my fellow New Yorker screenwriter/director/producer I know why you want to "Know a Guy" at NETFLIX. Hey how come you are not on my "working Network" of METRO NYC/DUTCH Stage 32 creatives? We should definitely have a Starbucks or a slice. Steven Harris Anzelowitz Hope this was some help. I will know if you put in a network request and join me and my other 40 Stage 32 METRO NYC creatives.
FYI- The DUTCH are in there because it is one of my 5 languages and I lived there in 1974 which is the name of one of my scripts: "AMSTERDAM 74". Right now my production company : CITY & SUBURBAN MOTION PICTURES,LLC has (3) copyrighted scripts in the works. If you want to know more or read those scripts they are posted on my LOGLINES page. I hope to shoot there in late 2017 or early 2018.
Hi Rob, the way you describe the show, it sounds like strip programming (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strip_programming), which is not really what Netflix focuses on, since they release for binge-watching. Based on your description, it sounds like an E show. But that's based on imperfect info.