This is an interesting video! Since I’ve been on this platform, one thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of people here really only have themselves to rely on in this industry due to connections, funding, etc., so I thought this video might be helpful. Just wondering—has anyone heard of Filmhub? What’s your take on it?
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I haven't heard of film hub! I am sticking with Stage 32 for now and keeping an eye on AI as I am a very capable designer and once it can deliver, I will most likely, create my own work.
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Rebecca James stage 32 is platform to get feedback , also connect with producers ect !
you cant upload your movie on stage 32 and get paid lol , film hub is a distribution where they would collect your finished products funds for you , almost like a Spotify ect but for your films (:
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Wow thanks Chase Cysco! I should have watched the video! Lol!
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Rebecca James yea that helps sometimes lol (:
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Thanks Chase! Very insightful! Good to know.
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Hey, Chase! thanks for sharing - definitely heard of FilmHub. definitely worth investigating for distribution, much like Vimeo is/was, but neither of those platforms are in competition with Stage 32. at it’s core, Stage 32 is a networking platform, like LinkedIn or Instagram, so it’s built to create opportunities to connect and build a relationship. It’s worth noting that sometimes when you deliver your film/product, it doesn’t attract all of the conversations you think it will. Sometimes you have to reach out and begin the conversation first, and then show them what you’ve done.
That all said, keep up both! showing that you can deliver a high-quality product is half the battle! Just be sure you’re keeping up with your socializing and giving back to the community. too.
Rock on, and I look forward to more stuff you find about indie distribution!
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Great video, I love hearing about the actual numbers and reporting practices of aggregators. I’ll be watching more from J. Horton (there are several more interview clips with him on Film Courage).
Yes, many of us with films in distribution have had our eye on Filmhub for a few years. Check out some of my past posts here in the distro lounge.