Financing / Crowdfunding : Film investors, money and lawsuits by Harry Dzumhur

Harry Dzumhur

Film investors, money and lawsuits

Martin Scorsese’s “The Wolf of Wall Street was financed by ll-gotten gains. Lawsuits have been filed. Any filmmaker/ production company will be thrilled if his movie/ series is financed, but how do you know if the money you have received is legit. Any thoughts?

Kiril Maksimoski

Oh boy...since you mentioned Scorsese...I read this story of back in the days when he was filming "Goodfellas" some real wise guys were hired as advisors and this day no one know how did they got paid as all social security numbers and ID's they gave were fake...

This is the main point I'll never involve professionally in filmmaking...too much shady business...but not only there. I was once editor in chief and my accountant advised me get the 'hell outta Dodge' as my boss was not covering any firm expenses...he said 'your signature is everywhere, and IRS don't give a fuck u never saw the money'...I resigned shortly after...

Stephen Maina

Wow, a case of life imitating art.

Chris Bacher

I remember when the 1MDB story started to blow up. The fraud industry epilogue is here

Jack Binder

Always know your source. A liability can put all other investors finances at risk (and your film.)

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