Introduce Yourself : Australian Screenwriter by Adrian Milnes

Adrian Milnes

Australian Screenwriter


I've sold eleven scripts to date. These include

Adrenaline - Louis Mandylor

Bloodthirst - Costas Mandylor & Tara Reid

The Bouncer - Costas Mandylor & Nicolas Turturro

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Adrian Milnes. 11 scripts! Congratulations!

Adrian Milnes

Thanks, took me a long time to get here.

Mario Leone

welcome get to know us and maybe fill out your profile? Because we’d love to see those wonderful IMDb credits

I think it’s supportive for your credibility and background.

It all allows us to get a feel for what you’re doing. And we have an appreciation of you being part of this community. Thank you for being a part of the community.

Adrian Milnes

Brian Smith

Very impressive, Adrian! Congratulations!

Leonardo Ramirez

Very cool, Adrian Milnes

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Adrian Milnes. Yeah, sometimes it takes a long time to have success in screenwriting. That's one reason to celebrate the small wins in between the big ones. Glad to hear your hard work has paid off, and I hope you sell #12 soon!

I suggest adding a profile picture and a more detailed bio to your profile. They'll help you build relationships/network on here. People will feel more comfortable networking and collaborating with you if they know what you look like. And if you have a picture, your profile will show up when someone searches for you. You could add things to your bio like why you became a screenwriter, your accomplishments, your goals, and what movies and shows you like.

Michael Wormald

Well done

Asmaa Jamil

Great work and congratulations.

Nick Phillips

You're on a roll Adrian Milnes! Congrats!

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