Introduce Yourself : Ceo by Julie Austin

Julie Austin


Hi everyone. My name is Julie Austin and I run a site for artists called Indie Sponsor. It's the only site that connects artists with small business sponsorship. I started out as a sponsorship director and put together a TV pilot using small business sponsorship. I also have a free Indie Sponsor podcast coming out which features entrepreneurial artists in the industry. Looking forward to helping artists become entrepreneurs.

Amy Kelly

Hey Julie! Great to meet you!

Julie Austin

You too, Amy!

Dorian Cole

What form does the prospective pilot or movie have to be in? Screenplay? Test production? Production? Or is it a talent registry?

Julie Austin

Hi Dorian, When I put the TV pilot together we only had the talent secured and a script. I put together a play ($60,000 sponsorship for 6 weeks) with the same. Though sponsors like to see as much as possible.

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