Hi everyone,
I'm reintroducing myself: I'm Frank, from The Netherlands. I wrote and directed 2 shorts (suspense) and they both got some attention (and awards) at the (smaller) international festivals. I was thrilled when my short 'Room Available' made it to the semi-finals of the Annual Short Film contest of Stage32. I've written several short and feature screenplays and I've talked to some producers about it, but it never got any further. (I'll keep trying though ;))
Some of my screenplays were finalists at Stage32-contests as well, so it's encouraging!
Right now I'm busy with the preproduction of a film about PTSD. Hope to speak to you soon!
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Great to see you at Introduce Yourself Weekend, Frank Van Der Meijden. Congratulations on all the success! What genre is your film about PTSD?
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Good to see you Frank Van Der Meijden That's great about your shorts. Film Festivals are always fun.
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Congrats on being in prep on your film Frank Van Der Meijden! Keep us posted on your progress!
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Good work, Frank!
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Maurice Vaughan It's actually a hybrid film, a documentary with fictional elements. It's about the Balkan war in the nineties. I was a ghostwriter for a wounded Dutch soldier (the UN peacekeeping mission) a few years ago (he published a book about it in Dutch). Inspired by that, I've written a screenplay. My co-producer has already had contacts with crew members on site in Sarajevo and they were quite positive. I think it's going to be a challenging film, so it will take a while before it's ready for production. But I'm not in a hurry.
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Congrats on the Stage 32 and other successes Frank. Do you make good Cue Sheets for Post, since you're the Music composer for most of your works ? Or are you mostly a Director now?
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Great to see you again, Frank Van Der Meijden. Congrats on all the high placings. No easy feat.
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Bravo! Congratulations!! Keep moving forward!!
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Your hybrid film sounds interesting, Frank Van Der Meijden! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing it! Keep us posted on it.
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Thanks for your reply, Kerry Kennard. No, I don't make cue sheets and I'm aware that I could be more careful and precise about that. When I've a film in post production, I compose my own music, but in production I get some help from others.
Would you advise me to put some effort into that (cue sheets)?
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Thank you for taking the time to reintroduce yourself to the community, Frank Van Der Meijden and congratulations on your contest placements!