Introduce Yourself : Eight Hundred Dollar Value / Saint Cecilia of Spiralence Premiere in Edinburgh Fringe by Al Carretta

Al Carretta

Eight Hundred Dollar Value / Saint Cecilia of Spiralence Premiere in Edinburgh Fringe

Hello Everyone,

My name is Al Carretta. I make films from the theatre productions I stage and also run the Nightpiece Film festival in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

My theatre show 'Eight Hundred Dollar Value' opens this Monday in Edinburgh followed by the premiere of my 18th indie feature 'Saint Cecilia of Spiralence' as the opening feature presentation of Nightpiece Film Festival.

Keep filming!

Al Carretta

Gaynor O'Flynn

tell us more about he Nightpiece Film festival in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe???

Matthew Cornwell

Hey Al! Great stuff. Curios of what the Covid restrictions are for your venue? Limited capacity or full capacity? I know things in the US are getting a little... interesting .

Katie Powalski Parsons

Excellent work! I'd LOVE to go/perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival one day!

Al Carretta

Apologies for delayed response; I literally headed to Edinburgh hours after this post and expected zero feedback. We had our busiest EdFringe ever. In our venue for our dateline there were no capacity restrictions (these were lifted in Scotland on Aug 9) but Facemasks were mandatory for audience and a Covid announcement was required before every show to enforce mask wearing. Playing a solo theatre show to a sea of masks was very difficult as you just can't gauge reactions. The Film Festival however worked perfectly as our amphitheatre venue was geared up for cinema from the get-go. Nightpiece - in it's 8th year at EdFringe - ran 1 feature and presented 32 short films from across the World playing out to our biggest attendances ever across the week. A very strange year for productions and performers alike in EdFringe but we were there! I've done EdFringe since 1999 as a performer and it's never been such a muted affair. On the Royal Mile - usually the hub of all activity - you just wouldn't have known it was happening. Here's the FilmFest programme:

Rick Sabino

Al, one day def need to get there and take in one of your productions. Great stuff

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