Introduce Yourself : Friend in Film by Kai Kamai

Kai Kamai

Friend in Film

I have been with Stage32 since the conception and RB was literally in chatting distance. I have loved seeing this grow and seeing it become the level it is at. There are always going to be passionate projects we work on and know, in our hearts, that is can change the world. Which it definitely will, when we able to build multiple projects together.

We are reaching out to filmmakers around the world and wanting to build a fun streaming network, which we are paying for, but want to showcase a lot of projects in that network. We are in the works with our attorneys and creative teams to see when we could do that. I just wanted to reach out to you all, to see if you would like to share your content on our network for this fall. I reach out now, to give you time to create your project with passion today.

What we are looking for;

Animation Series [Both Adult & Kid Friendly]


Diverse Feature Films

Film Festival Winning Shorts & Films

We are hoping to make this Network available for all around the world to come visit and support our projects! Let me know if this interests any of you!! HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!!!!

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Are you interested in podcasts at all? Sounds like probably not, but just thought I'd ask. Good luck with your new network concept? What is the name? Is there a theme?

Kai Kamai

We actually are doing podcasts. We are actually in legal works now with names, theme, logo and trademarking. Just wanted to see who would be interested, if any!

Stefano Pavone

I'm in. What must I do? :)

Naithan Hilaire

Would love to discuss this further and see if we can support in anyway.

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