I'm so so humble yet riding this cloud 9 blindly. just recently in December, I won my first win and award ( I'm still saving to purchase ) and Last week my podcast that's less than a year old won Finalist at the independent shorts awards in Hollywood, can. They said I basically moves up each round winning a total of 4 times. I'm speechless yet himbally ask for guidance and help with what now and what's to be expected. I do in the untold/unheard s Stories of people lives where I go as far as walking up and down the streets of San Francisco and talking to the homeless population using my platform to uplift and elevate others and survive a space or people can feel comfortable to talk about what they want to talk about thank you
Hi KC! Nice one, giving people a voice who need to be heard and humanised! Thanks for being remarkable! Bec
KC what an awesome platform! Everyone has a voice and everyone has a story. You are giving them a chance to share them. Thank you for this❤