Introduce Yourself : Hello Stage 32!! by John Mezes

John Mezes

Hello Stage 32!!

Screenwriting professionally since 2017, I started at the age of ten writing short stories about my childhood neighborhood and the interesting people that lived on my street. My life took me in several directions since then, and my writing was on hold while I lived. Instead of being disappointed in myself for getting sidetracked, I used my experiences in my writing when I returned to it.

Between 2017-2019, I attended many live seminars with award-winning screenwriters where I was able to learn techniques for writing styles and converse with these writers, gaining a better appreciation for the craft. When I joined Stage 32 in 2021 and began to use the many webinars and classes, I also joined several writing workshops and groups. This began my learning about networking and creating strong relationships I have to this day.

My education, networking, and hard work led me to my current level of success. Uallywood Productions, a studio with ties to Odesa Film Studio, Alvernia Studios and Castel Film Studios purchased two of my feature scripts, "Garden of Eden" (in production) and "Two" (pre-production) through a connection and pitch opportunity right here on Stage 32. I am currently pitching three other feature scripts to several execs, and after learning the skills of script consulting and pitch coaching, I have my own business, The Writer's Buddy, which helps other writers with their projects.

I co-host the Thursday Night Pitch Practice sessions on Stage 32 and the Wednesday Pitch Tank, and both are terrific opportunities to hear amazing pitches from fellow members and be able to help mold those pitches into their best versions before writers present them to execs. I am also a Stage 32 Moderator.

It's my hope that you, my fellow writers, are using Stage 32 and all its capabilities to further your own writing careers. Newcomers to the site can begin networking immediately, a la, Introduce Yourself Weekend, and beyond. The classes, webinars, labs, pitch sessions that didn't exist 15 or 20 years ago, and certification opportunities can give you the tools needed to help you succeed, but it's that desire...that love of writing and the patience and perseverance that will keep you on track and drive you to maintain the goal of succeeding.

All my best to you, my fellow community members!

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, John Mezes. Great to see you. Congratulations on "Two" being in pre-production! Not sure if I've already said it or not.

John Mezes

Thank you, Maurice! I'm pretty excited! It's always great to hear from you. What's cookin' on your creative stove?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, John Mezes. I'm cooking a hamburger (ghostwriting job) and fries (pitching projects). And making a funnel cake (feature spec script).

Ashley Renee Smith

We’re lucky to have you in this community, John Mezes! Thank you for all that you do for your fellow Writer’s Room members.

John Mezes

Love it, Maurice! You're a busy man, and that's a good thing.

John Mezes

Thank you, Ashley. I'm fortunate to be a part of such a supportive and attentive group like Stage 32. Thank you for what you and the staff do here on a daily basis.

Asmaa Jamil

Hi John, I joined a few of your pitch sessions and they were some of the best events at Stage 32. Keep up the good work and I hope to see your work on screen.

Mark Deuce

Great to meet you John Mezes and so glad you are here!

John Mezes

Hi Asmaa! Great to hear from you! Thank you for the kind words. They are the proof that what Noel Thompson and I do on the Pitch Practices is resonating with our community here on Stage 32. Oh yes, work and me are old friends who get along well, LOL! You'll be seeing the film projects soon enough, and I, along with you, can't wait!

John Mezes

Hi Mark! Great to meet you too! I appreciate that fact that you are a member of our community. What are you currently working on?

Richard "RB" Botto

Ah, the one and only John Mezes. As always, thank you for all you do for this community. Those meeting John for the first time in this thread would be wise to send him a network request and to follow his lead. An amazing human being.

Asmaa Jamil

Good point RB. I will add John to my network.

John Mezes

Thank you, RB. As the saying goes...It takes one to know one.. I appreciate those kind words of yours, and thank you for Stage 32 and the people it has brought into my creative space. Without your idea and continued execution of support of this platform, we might not be having these posts and valued conversations right now. This community is in a better place because of it.

John Mezes

Request accepted, Asmaa! Looking forward to valuable continued conversations with you!

Nick Phillips

You bring so much to this community John Mezes! Thank you for sharing your origin story! : )

Richard "RB" Botto

Entirely grateful, John Mezes. TY.

John Mezes

Thank you, Nick Phillips . It's a daily reminder to me and hopefully a message to other writers that it's never to late to begin a career doing what you love. With your contributions of knowledge, humor, realism, and support, Stage 32 is a richer place and only getting better. I'm glad we share the Pitch Tanks, and the insightfulness you've provided during those webcasts is appreciated.

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