Introduce Yourself : Hello, all you phenomenal creative types out there by Paul Zeidman

Paul Zeidman

Hello, all you phenomenal creative types out there

I'm a screenwriter/blogger based out of San Francisco. I'm a big supporter of connecting and networking, and get a real kick out of meeting new people and finding out what they're working on.

I run the screenwriting blog Maximum Z (, where topics related to screenwriting are discussed, as well as a few non-related topics, such as pie, AKA one of the best things ever.

If you're interested in expanding your network by at least one, then feel free to add me in. Bonus points for being in the Bay Area - I'm always open for a get-to-know-you coffee/lunch chat (schedules permitting).

Got a screenwriting-oriented question, or seeking some help with a particularly tricky writing problem? Maybe I can help. Don't hesitate to ask.

Maximum Z
Maximum Z
The ongoing saga of a screenwriter working towards becoming a working screenwriter
Ashleigh Angel Nastassia Klein

HIGH Paul good to connect with you. @Jeannie420

Allie Jessing

I'm from the Bay and go there often. I'd love to connect. I'm usually in Sausalito, and head into SF a lot :) my handle for everywhere is @alliejessing

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