Introduce Yourself : Horror producer from Vancouver, Canada by Timo Puolitaipale

Timo Puolitaipale

Horror producer from Vancouver, Canada

Hey all, I wanted to say a quick hello before diving back into paperwork. If you're looking at shooting in beautiful British Columbia where the tax credits stand as tall as the trees, or have a micro-budget horror in the making, feel free to drop me a line.

I'm also on the hunt for movie poster artists, so if you are one or know of anyone, I'd love to hear about you at timo (at) citizen11 dot com.

...and oh yeah, as for what we're currently working on, it's this spooky fella, Mister Sandman:

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Jerry Koedding

Super cool!!

Jaye Adams

Hey Timo!

Nice to meet you! Congrats on Mister Sandman and hope it’s going well...nice scare at the end there, it made me jump

Peter Roach

Cool Timo. Love Vancouver, I was just there jn June. You gotta have the soundtrack in your movie.

Jason Mirch

Hey Timo! We should definitely talk! I have a couple of things we might be able to work on together. I'll drop you a DM!

Timo Puolitaipale

Thanks Jerry, Jaye & Peter! And Peter, if our budget can handle it, that song's definitely on our radar :-D

Debbie Croysdale

@Timo Hi and welcome. Mr Sandman, COOL! Would also be great to see film fleshed out longer, in a feature. I have a few new horrors on back burner and will be sure to buzz you when they complete.

Vital Butinar

Timo Puolitaipale hey I'm a director, writer but I've done quite a few movie poster and artwork designs since I'm a graphics designer by education and actually love doing this part. Send me a message if you want to talk more about this.


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