Introduce Yourself : I am a veteran Hollywood Publicist. Nice to meet you. by Roz Wolf

Roz Wolf

I am a veteran Hollywood Publicist. Nice to meet you.

Hi All:

It's been my pleasure to know many of you on Stage I have been on this platform for over 12 years. My experience as a Hollywood publicist means that I am capable of helping your with your questions about PR, Branding and Image Building. Also, I have been involved in securing red carpet media for both major studio and indie movie premieres for the past 20+ years.

I love collaborating and helping others find the right balance between what they want for attention in the press and what is reasonable. Media exposure is always nice when it's done right. You need to know what to say and how to say it. That's what I do. I like to help people find their inner star. I'm much faster to answer questions by email.

Bev Irwin

How nice of you Roz to offer of help.

Angela VanZandt Bumpass

She is fabulous.

Amanda Toney

Nice to have you here aria. What is your favorite part about being a publicist?

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Roz! Great to see you again! :D How are you doing?

Darren Moloney

Nice to meet you Roz.

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