Introduce Yourself : I’m an actor who writes stuff and occasionally directs things. by Holt Boggs

Holt Boggs

I’m an actor who writes stuff and occasionally directs things.

Hey everyone!

I’m back on Stage 32 to network and up my screenwriting game. I’m a bit ‘outside the box’ when it comes to my sensibilities and feel that dialogue is one of my strong areas. That said, I struggle with story. I have a few spec features on paper as well as a handful of shorts. Two of my shorts (The Cable Man, Crazy) have been produced, one of them I directed. The short I directed (Crazy) is being developed into a feature which is kinda killing me at the moment, but I’ve had worse problems.

Hasan Faizal

If I may know, what problems did you encounter when developing a short film script into a feature?

Holt Boggs

Well the short, which was never intended to be a feature, had a plot twist. The challenge has been trying to keep the story engaging even though a big reveal has already been exposed.

Hasan Faizal

Okay, btw I've watched your short movie called "Crazy". Can I comment via message?

Holt Boggs


Maurice Vaughan

Welcome back, Holt Boggs. You said you struggle with story. Do you outline beforehand?

Holt Boggs

Yes, I outline beforehand and that’s probably the most painful part of the process for me.

Maurice Vaughan

Today's blog is about the Hero's Journey, Holt Boggs ( It might help you with your struggle with story.

And have you thought about writing a script without outlining first? Some writers develop their stories as they write. That might help you.

Richard "RB" Botto

Great to have you back, Holt Boggs

Sam Rivera

Hi Holt Boggs it's great to e-meet you! Do you know if CRAZY is streaming anywhere, would to check it out!

Holt Boggs

Thanks everyone! And yes, Sam, here’s the link to Crazy.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Holt Boggs. I just watched "Crazy." Intense and incredible! Loved it!

Mario Leone


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