Introduce Yourself : It's time for some very new kinds of movies, movies that people relate to inwardly and personally, not use as simple, temporary methods of escape. by Dale Reynolds

Dale Reynolds

It's time for some very new kinds of movies, movies that people relate to inwardly and personally, not use as simple, temporary methods of escape.

I am making contacts in Hollywood on my own and have in the past by this method come to communicate with people behind name actors. I now need to talk with producers and directors, managers and agents. I have some good stuff for sale, and so said a retired MGM Vice President, the late David Golding. "You write better than most of them", he told me. I welcome all queries. Thanks. ~ Dale Reynolds, American writer in London

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Dale Reynolds. It's great to see you at Introduce Yourself Weekend again! Glad to hear you're making contacts! What's the latest script you wrote!

Dale Reynolds

Hi, Maurice. I am working on a three-part mini series - at least that is what it would have go be; suitable for Netflix, for example. Thanks for asking.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Dale Reynolds. What genre(s) is your mini series?

Dale Reynolds

Hello Maurice. My intended mini-series is a drama. LIFT OF THE WIND is based on the actual experiences of a young soldier who gets bashed around by the Army, and in Vietnam he finally gets an assignment he shouldn't have wished for - door gunner on a Huey. The man it's based on has enjoyed a good number of clicks (not Vietnam clicks) on YouTube, for his interview on his V experiences. Thanks for your query.

Sam Sokolow

Hi Dale Reynolds - it's great to see you here on IYW! I'm the Head of Certification here at Stage 32 and will be in London in a few weeks representing Stage 32 and hosting a panel at Focus London at the Business Design Center on December 10th at 5:10pm. I'd love to see Stage 32 members there. Focus is free to attend (but you do need to register in advance). Here's a link with some information on the panel - hope to see you there:

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Dale Reynolds. LIFT OF THE WIND sounds interesting! I like the title! How far are you with the mini-series?

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