Introduce Yourself : Jesse Heiman: Worlds Greatest Extra and Godaddy Guy by Jesse Heiman

Jesse Heiman

Jesse Heiman: Worlds Greatest Extra and Godaddy Guy

Hey there everyone hope you are all having happy holidays and safe travel to wherever home is or where you are all celebrating this joyful season. My name is Jesse Heiman and you may have seen me in movies, on tv, or at first on youtube in a viral video that has over 3 million views entitled Worlds Greatest Extra. I actually didn't move to Hollywood to become an actor my first goal was to write and create projects that quite simply entertains. But, when realizing how expensive LA living is via advice from my landlord and roommates I went down and signed up at Central Casting in October 2000. I had no idea it would help me become more than just a face in a crowd in countless films, tv shows and commercials. But by luck "they" told me i have a good face and look and I should persue this line of work for many years to come and thus almost 15 years later I'm known as the Worlds Greatest Extra and because of another stroke of great luck I was the nerd kissing the supermodel on the godaddy super bowl ad in 2013. Now there's a documentary being made about me thats been following me for almost two years and is going to come out next year. I've been told it will be a game changer completely not just for me but perhaps the industry(?) but either way I have become proud to embrace the title/brand of being the Worlds Greatest Extra and be a hero for all unspoken actors.

Nancy Cohen

hi, one and all.. in Brentwood for two weeks, anyone want to meet up and chat, dream, laugh?

Pierre Langenegger

Hey, I've seen that guy! Welcome Jesse. Good to have you aboard.

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