Introduce Yourself : LQ is Dropping Gems and Shining Light by Leah "LQ" Queen

Leah "LQ" Queen

LQ is Dropping Gems and Shining Light

Hello Everyone, Leah Queen aka LQ here! I am known for dropping gems (of wisdom, motivation, truth and sometimes tough love) and always finding a way to shine my light. I hope that everyone is well, and I wanted to share some words from the late, great Maya Angelou. I hope everyone has a productive and creative day!


“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have” – Maya Angelou

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Welcome here, and Ms. Angelou knows what she's talking about.

Chad Ayinde

Thankful for the gems LQ! Appreciate the positive encouragement!

Charise Sowells


Judy Pancoast

I needed to see that today. Thank you!

Patricia A

Love the quote. It is so true!

Luis R. Quintero

Hello LQ, I'm LRQ (Luis Ramon Quintero). Thank you for the words of wisdom. I love your positive energy! You remind me of my friend K. Ross (, she is also community oriented. Thank you for championing WOC.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Thanks, Luis R. Quintero! And good to meet you, Leah "LQ" Queen! Oh, I LOVE Maya Angelou! Thanks for dropping those gems!

Would you be interested in participating in the “Monday Motivation" challenge I posted in the Producing Lounge? It's just a fun way to get to know people through their favorite quotes:

I'm not surprised Luis was drawn to respond to you - he's also quite the ray of sunshine! What are you working on? I hope something equally inspiring!

Daniel Diosdado

Great quote from Maya Angelou!

Luis R. Quintero

Totally love Maya Angelo! Karen "Kay" Ross also rocks!!

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