Introduce Yourself : Mr Newton Barabara by Newton Barabara

Newton Barabara

Mr Newton Barabara

Hi, I'm Newton Barabara. I've always seen movies as tool to tell stories that will lead to positive behavior change. That's what I do

Richard "RB" Botto

Positive perspective, Newton. Great to have you in the mix.

Felicia Brown

Hi Newton. This is Felicia Brown. How are you? I pray all is well with you and your family? I'm doing well. I came across one of you movies that you produced and directed with Andy Amenechi. The movie was very good. Has movie production stopped altogether in Nigeria? Just before Covid stopped everything, I was going into preproduction with Dickson Iroegbu. Please email me at Or Let me know how things are going. Take care. Felicia Brown

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