Introduce Yourself : My journey, hey still here by Diana Pentz

My journey, hey still here

Recent cancer survivor, been to hell and back many times.. was a blue baby , hit by a car,fell off roof 100 ft ,almost drowned .. all my life wanted to go into acting hoping someone gives me chance .

Diana Pentz

Thats just to show am a fighter ..

David Henderson

Wow, God bless you <3

Diana Pentz

Thanks, now i just want to go for my dream

Steffany Lohn Sommers

Wishing you much health and success, Diana!

Wayne Jarman

All the best, Diana.

Diana Pentz

New year, new roles

Diana Becronis Martwick

Welcome! You are a strong lady!

Diana Pentz

If you come across any info that might have some work let me know

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