Introduce Yourself : New to Screenwriting / LA by Nicholas Ellis

Nicholas Ellis

New to Screenwriting / LA

Hey y'all! Just moved out to LA a couple months ago, and have been writing as much as I can (about two weeks away from finishing a feature first draft). I'm new to the town and have only been screenwriting for a couple years. So, any pointers / suggestions about what writing groups are out here, things I should be looking into, places where I can get screenwriting feedback, etc. are greatly appreciated. Looking to make the dreams happen! Cheers, Nick

Shawn Speake

Hey, Nicholas! Congrats on almost finishing your first draft. When you finish, I would UPLOAD your work on your page under LOGLINES. Then write a POST to 'exchange scripts' in the SCREENWRITING LOUNGE.

Shawn Speake

...And feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. If you're interested in taking some webinars, make sure you check out the EDUCATION TAB. THE HAPPY WRITERS offer a variety of courses to take your writing to the next level!

Lunie Jules

Awesome Nicholas! Congrats! My name is Lunie Jules and I am a screenwriter as well. I have written a few shorts and I am looking for at to writing my first feature length horror.

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Hi Nicholas. You're definitely in the right town! Just stay open to the energy there, and follow your nose. I KNOW great things are in store for you! There is a live table read event in the city somewhere....I found it one night whilst surfing. If I lived in LA I would go there. Also, st32 peeps hold meet-ups (go!) - see the search bar. There's a course on this site about some of the other jobs you can get in the 'biz'. If you're in to shorts it might be worth while checking out Raindance's LA office. In Toronto they hold a monthly 'pitchfest', where you try pitching in front of others. Keep posting! I'd love to know about your adventures in the big city. Hah, my husband just told me there's more people in LA than in Canada, like, the whole country. lol

Andrew Martin Smith

Deeply envious Nicholas - I did the same thing 40 years ago and had the time of my life. I still look back over that year and chuckle. I did one hell of a lot of writing, improved my art, networked late into the night and made some great friendships that have endured the decades. Best of luck - and may the Fates be generous.

Rachel Rath

Hey! I wrote a guide to moving. Its kinda for the Euro transplants but it might be useful? Good luck!

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