Introduce Yourself : Optioned Screenwriter by Renee Miller

Renee Miller

Optioned Screenwriter

Happy Friday Everyone! I am an optioned screenwriter in Denver, Colorado. I typically write horror and thriller features, but am branching out into Comedy. I just completed an outline for a comedy script, and I'm looking forward to getting started on writing the script.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Renee Miller. Not sure if I've already said this, but congrats on being optioning! :) Hope you have a great time writing your Comedy script!

James Welday

Welcome, and pleased to meet you, Renee Miller !

Vikki Harris

Congratulations on being optioned.

Vincent Paterno

Comedy's long been my strong suit as I seek to transition from journalism to film history and screenwriting. My pitch deck for "Stand Tall!": chrome-extension://gphandlahdpffmccakmbngmbjnjiiahp/file:///media/fuse/drivefs-4b44b244f00c19490cdee9c17fc1895b/root/071222%20stand%20tall%20pitch%20deck.pdf

Vincent Paterno

If you can't read it, email me at

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