Introduce Yourself : Parker Bennett by Parker Bennett

Parker Bennett

Parker Bennett

Writer-producer-designer-developer-cartoonist-geek-dad. Co-wrote some movies, including Super Mario Bros. (stories at Runs LA marketing agency @alignedonline.

I'm working on a memoir about my adventures in ’90s Hollywood, working with Terry Runté on Super Mario Bros. and more. I was just a guest again on The Flop House podcast, chatting about A Gnome Named Gnorm:

Goals for the new year: Getting the book out there, and getting back to my animated series pitch.

Home - Terry Runte - Stories & more with Parker Bennett
Home - Terry Runte - Stories & more with Parker Bennett
Terry Runté was way more talented than most people got to see. He was sharp-witted and irreverent, curious and impatient, generous and spontaneous. He had a flair for language and self-invention. He…
Wendy Appelbaum

I bet that will be a super interesting memoir. What's your animated series pitch about? I just finished my first animation - it was extremely enjoyable to write but challenging to create a visual world.

Billy Kwack

Hi Parker, I wrote a screenplay on Super Mario Brothers also, neat

Maurice Vaughan

I misread your post at first, Parker Bennett. My condolences to Terry's family. I didn't know that he passed away. "Super Mario Bros." with Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo was one of my favorite movies growing up.

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, people say Super Mario flopped, I liked it

Maurice Vaughan

I really liked "Super Mario Bros." Billy Kwack. John Leguizamo is one of my favorite actors. I'm looking forward to the new "Super Mario Bros." movie too.

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, me too, it looks very comedic but I don’t mind

Richard "RB" Botto

Great to have you and your talents here, Parker.

Maurice Vaughan

I think Jack Black is going to be hilarious in the new "Super Mario Bros." movie, Billy Kwack.

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, yes, Jack black is awesome

Gerry Nwimo

All the best Parker! Gerry

James Welday

Parker Bennett pleasure to meet you, and happy to connect!

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