Introduce Yourself : Researcher by Alia Gant

Alia Gant


Hello! My name is Alia and I wanted to introduce myself to Stage 32. I am an aspiring researcher in film, television, and/or a studio. My previous professional experience includes working as a librarian in academic and public libraries as well as a researcher in market, content, and user experience. I hope to use my skillset to contribute to different pieces within the sphere of film and television. True to my librarian nature, I am a generalist in nature with a variety of ways to not only find information, but manage as well as disseminate this knowledge to my respective audience. I am open to all genres, from news, children's and youth, comedies, action, dramas, and all that's in between. I love to learn, excited and open to researching new topics -- and I am confident if I don't have the the subject matter expertise in a focus area, I can use my tools to find out how to get the information that is needed. Happy and hoping to connect with folks who need research help.

Bryan Little

Welcome Alia! Stage 32 is an amazing platform!

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Alia. Research is so critical for scripts.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Welcome here Alia!

MB Stevens

Welcome, Alia. Onward and upward.

Pamela Jaye Smith

Welcome, Alia. Agreed, research can be so beneficial for Writers and also for Production Designers and Directors. Good luck!

Billy Bronson

Welcome Alia :)

Alia Gant

Thank you for the welcomes and well wishes! :)

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Alia Gant.

Karen "Kay" Ross

What a cool area of focus, Alia Gant! Do you feel more comfortable researching academic topics, like history, or are you more of a data-driven researcher, looking for numbers? I find the former does well for script doctoring, to make sure the subject material is presented accurately, whereas the latter works with producers to hone their pitches so they can show investors that data. Both are incredibly valuable!

You may have already discovered the Screenwriting Lounge (, but I'd LOVE for you to check out the Producing Lounge ( as well! I think you'll meet a lot of like-minded professionals there, and I'd love your input on some of the conversations going on in there. Actually, researching Film Finance and Film Distribution are both in high demand as well. Maybe check out the Financing Lounge and the Distribution Lounge?

Keep in mind that these lounges are like the VIP Filmmaker's Lounges at Film Festivals, so this is where you can meet the people doing the work, get advice on anything you're working on, and/or give back to those who may need advice. We're a very supportive and encouraging community! I think you'd also enjoy my blog post on how to get the most out of the Stage32 Community:

Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect!

Alia Gant

Thank you so much for the advice Karen/Kay (my apologies I am not sure of what your preference is with names!) I am interested and want to do work in researching topics/content, and the data driven qualitative and quantitative work. Thank you for sharing information about the different lounges. I did not know there were so many lounges! I am definitely still exploring this community so I am really excited to hear there are different sections :) As well as your blog! I will certainly check them out!

Stephen Folker

Alia - I might have something we could collab on.

Alia Gant

I will be in touch Stephen!

Cara Rogers

Alia, I write historical fiction partly because I love investigation into events. Wouldn't it be fun if we wound up collaborating on a project some day? Glad many people on here have solid advice for getting you started.

Alia Gant

Hi @Colette! Thanks for the heads up about A&E. That is definitely my longterm goal so thanks for the insight! And thank you for the welcome and well wishes :)

Hello @Cara! That would be amazing if we could collaborate on a project in the future! I am HUGE history buff! Yeah everyone has been fantastic! I am so excited as I start this journey :)

Curry Naomi

Hello Alia hope you're doing good

Alia Gant

Hello @Curry Naomi! I am great :) Enjoying the Stage 32 Community. I hope you are well!

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