No one in Ireland says this! Hi everyone. I've come late-ish to screenwriting but the upshot is a bank of tales ready to tell. In my first year I've written a radio play and a screenplay about, among other things, the ancient and crazy Irish game of Hurling. 3 other scripts careening around my software and loving it all! Hope to connect with many talented people on Stage 32 in the future, both here in Ireland and further afield.
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Okay, color me intrigued. I have no idea what Hurling tell! And, I'm excited to see how you incorporated it into a script!
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Hi Amanda. Hurling is a crazy paced stick n ball field game. It's an ancient sport and one of the national games of Ireland. Well worth a Youtube search. The story is about a guy who returns to Ireland and tries to make sense of his life by coaching a young team to the finals. N stuff n stuff.
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Welcome, Jane. Sincerely hope you've found this place to be open and inviting. If you ever wish to talk one-on-one with someone who has no small amount of experience in the industry, then do feel free to private message me anytime. I've been supporting and assisting writers since the last century. (Man, that makes me sound old!)
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I've seen your pic, Phil. You're a youngling, with a wealth of experience! Thanks for the message, I may well take you up on your offer. About to start shopping my first and entering comps, and I'll need all the luck in the world! ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️
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Jane Nolan It's been a while since anyone has called me a "youngling" or similar. But I'll take it. Wish you all the best with the contests. Hope it's ready. As I often say to my writers: Don't rush your screenplay purely to meet a script contest's deadline. Complete. Then compete.
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Good note!!!!!
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Welcome Jane Nolan . A tough sport, that hurling. And a great backdrop. I wish you much success. Maybe pitch to O'Sullivan Productions in Bray.
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Hi Steven. Thanks for the kind words, and the suggestion. I certainly will!!!
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Keep us posted Jane!!
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Will do Steven!
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Welcome to the platform, Jane!