Introduce Yourself : Writer/Producer in Bentonville, AR by Lee LaMarche

Lee LaMarche

Writer/Producer in Bentonville, AR

Hey everyone. I'm a longtime writer and first-time producer (as of this message) and I've joined because this platform felt like a great place to learn and maybe even help. I love writing and I'm learning that I don't really want to do the other parts of film but I am also not one to sit on my hands and wait for others to make my work. Therefore, I'm at an interesting place where I need to be involved further than I'm comfortable. But, I'm hoping to get advice here about being a screenwriter and, to an extent, a producer.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Lee LaMarche. Welcome to the community. Pretty dog. I tried to make two movies way back without knowing anything about producing. If only I had the resources that are on Stage 32. You already found the Producing Lounge. Stage 32 also has Producing Blogs ( and Producing Education (

Jill Godley

Welcome to the group!

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