On Writing : Plot Summary Length? by Terrence Sellers

Terrence Sellers

Plot Summary Length?

As I prepare my now completed trilogy of fantasy novels for query, I'm in the process on writing plot summaries them. In screenwriting, which I'm more experienced and familiar with, it basically boils down to 3-page and 1-page summaries. Is that the same for novels? What is the standard expected length of a plot summary for a single novel when querying to traditional publishers?

Jonathan Jordan

Terrence Sellers it's definitely not the same as with film. Your query letter for a novel should be no longer than 400-500 words and that includes introducing yourself and providing the comp titles. The plot summary in the query should only take up maybe half of that 200-250 words. Then if the publisher requests a full synopsis, you could send a 1-3 page synopsis outlining the characters, action, etc.

Terrence Sellers

Jonathan Jordan I was not referring to the pitch in the query letter. I was referring to the requested full synopsis as you mentioned at the end of your comment.

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Best wishes with this!

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