Producing : Film subject by Randy Brashears

Randy Brashears

Film subject

Who is interested in subject matter that isn't politically correct and would stir-up discussion and emotions on both sides of the fence?

Tony Cella

That's the type of stuff I write as well.

Stephen Barber


Philip Sedgwick

Thinkers. The inquisitive.

Joseph Chastain

Depends on what you mean by that. Something that "isn't politically correct and stirs up discussions and emotion on both sides of the fences (BTW there are HUNDREDS of sides of the fences) " could mean a million different things.

Jessica Nathanson

If "Not PC" means "Encourages Hatred against Oppressed People" you're running down the road to being a Nazi Party favorite. Please don't do that. On the other side of the political spectrum, you have things like "Vagina Monologues," "Angels in America" and even "The Birdcage"--things that may not appeal to the "Little Old Lady in Dubuque," but are still very successful, and rightly so.

Tony Cella

@Jessica: Actually political correctness has its origins in authoritarianism. A similar term first popped up in Soviet times, but the phrase itself was coined by Mao Tse-Tung. Richard Nixon employed the Southern Strategy--an infusion of race-baiting, but palatable coded phrases to win over racists disenchanted with the anti-segregation wing of the Democratic Party--to win the presidency: For a viewpoint from an oppressed person, I recommend this article: Starr preferred the overt racism in Eastern Europe to America's more subtle politically correct brand. In the article, he describes how it was easier to discuss and refute racist arguments in a less PC environment because there was less fear and anxiety about the topic. He had honest discussions with students and didn't have to pay tickets for "broken taillights". Brashears created this thread to lure and audience then shill his book through PMs, but I'm happy to debate the efficacy of political correctness over private messages or in the Anything Goes forum.

Jessica Nathanson

Whenever one is consciously trying to make a political point in fiction, one must show a reason for why major characters are doing or saying whatever it is, or make the character extreme and ridiculous so the audience knows you are making a scenery-chewing cariacture, not a character you want them to believe could actually exist. Adenoid Hynkel in "The Great Dictator" (see photo) is a caricature; no one care about why he wants to persecute Jews and rule the world, he just does. Ironically, because Chaplin didn't know how extremely evil Hitler was in 1940, his parody was not extreme enough. In fact, after the War, Chaplin reportedly said he would have not made The Great Dictator if he had known how evil Hitler really was. The best even-handed satire I ever saw is "I'm All Right," a 1959 winner of two BAFTA's starring a bunch of people few Americans know, and Peter Sellers as a Stalinist union leader. However, the business leaders are also shown to be conniving and corrupt. The title song even likens the brotherhood of business and labor to the "Brotherhood" of Cain and Abel. The film is available in many U.S. public libraries. Watch it and see what I mean.

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