Films In Motion, GbR, Berlin, is seeking an executive co-producer from the Bavaria area. "Life Through the Eyes of a Dead Man" (Leben Durch Die Augen Eines Toten ) is an international co-production with NL FILM/TV Amsterdam. Director is Jo Baier, Cast: Herbert Knaup, Matthias Habich and Naomi Krauss star of Netflix's "Faraway". Financially has been filed with the EU CREATIVE MEDIA CO-PRODUCTION FUND and the BKM, Berlin. Film's German distributor is DER FILMVERLEIH GmbH, Stuttgart. Morefilms is int'l rep.
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Rene Asch, if you're searching for a co-producer, Stage 32 has a free job board that you can use to post available jobs or search for any jobs in your profession. To find it, click “Jobs” on the top menu bar, and you can search by profession, location, and pay. Here is a link that you can use to go to our job board directly:
Good luck with your project!