Producing : Music for film; who gets the rights? by Nkanya Nkwai

Nkanya Nkwai

Music for film; who gets the rights?

Hello everyone, I have a pertinent situation at hand. I have to do a contract with a musician I approached to do original music for my feature film. At the immediate time I have to do a contract with him but I don't have a clue about what obtains in terms of author's, copy and music rights... and what are the international norms to such situations... I will appreciate your contributions.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

My father was a musician and composer and member of ASCAP. I would go to their website and see what the rules are. Good Luck Nkanya!

Nkanya Nkwai

Thanks Steven... heading over there now.

Nkanya Nkwai

Is there a URL for their site? So that I don't end up somewhere else

Dominic Wieneke

I worked with a composer on my last short. He created the score and I have exclusive rights to it for two years. Then he can do what he wants with it.

Douglas Eugene Mayfield

If all else fails, just write out a simple agreement between yourself and your composer. Spell out clearly in simple language who gets what when. Then you both sign it.

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