Producing : Nifty new job posted from NBC Universal (Peacock) by HB Duran

HB Duran

Nifty new job posted from NBC Universal (Peacock)

Hi, Producers and other talents folks! I happened to see this job posted today from NBC Universal for a "Writer/Producer/Editor - Original Content, Peacock" and thought I'd share. Have a great day!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Thanks so much for that, HB Duran! I'm not sure how I feel about this all-in-one position, but the subject matter looks cool enough.

Cherelynn Baker

Thanks for sharing HB - I second Karen "Kay" Ross on this and it's a tad concerning. Since when does one job encompass 3 different departments? If an independent project I can see it but to come from NBC it leans towards cheap and abusive.

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