Screenwriting : 22 Story Questions compiled by Pixar storyboard artist Emma Coats by Regina Lee

Regina Lee

22 Story Questions compiled by Pixar storyboard artist Emma Coats

In my experience, #10 is a primary function that a creative producer, development exec, or script consultant performs with the writer in early stages. It's certainly what I do with my writers as a producer and for my clients as a consultant. Points #2, #15, and #21 speak directly to that core question of whether or not your concept/story are "relate-able" to your target audience. Point #1 is simply human nature!

Brian Walsh

Interesting article, Regina. Thanks!

David Levy

Good read. Can always count on you for food for thought , Regina! Keep the education coming.

Tyler BoundforGreatness Jr.

Great read. Really helped.

Regina Lee

Glad you guys have enjoyed the read! Thanks!

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