Screenwriting : A Society without Cinema. Are we only writing for the small screen now? by Bill Brock

Bill Brock

A Society without Cinema. Are we only writing for the small screen now?

I'm witnessing a disturbing trend in the American theater-going experience. Allow me to set the scene (My apologies. It's the former actor in me.)-- Arrive at the theater. Take your seat (Just like air travel, I always opt for the aisle.). The lights dim to darkness. "On with the show, this is it!" Just one more quick glance around (It's the "social awareness of my immediate surroundings" in me.). Scan the crowd. Then eyes forward. And it hits me. I'm the ONLY ONE here. I'm not attending a movie theater... I'm attending a movie theater's funeral as its sole mourner. This scenario played out last Wednesday night (8:30, one showing) for Bill Shatner's new documentary, YOU CAN CALL ME BILL.

Wait. What? Just me? No Trekkies? No fans? No BOSTON LEGAL corporate office types? No T.J. HOOKER 1980s neon fanatics? Yep. Just me. In this single theater, which happens to be attached to a beautiful 16-screen Regal theater complex, complete with festive wall-to-wall carpeting. Nice! 

Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time. Mental rewind to September 2022. Same thing. Welcome to Theater 12, population: You. Wednesday. Mid-afternoon viewing. For one of the GREATEST films in Hollywood history-- JAWS! PRESENTED IN "IMAX" FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! Another one of my signature quick scans of the audience. Yep. Just me. Not ONE other person? Really? Really? "We quickly interrupt Good Brock's thought to bring you Evil Brock's jaded reply, complete with guttural CrEePiNeSs"-- "Yeah.... Really."

The Good News: JAWS is one of my All-Time Favs, so I took this viewing as a true blessing. I could do whatever I wanted! Lucky me! I knew all the lines, so I created my very own JAWS / ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW by video-recording some of my verbal exchanges with Ricky Dreyfuss and the boys. Good times. Classic memory.

The day after. Thursday afternoon. In case you forgot, September of '22. Bought a ticket to the horror hit, BARBARIAN. Again... All by my lonely.

Ugggggh! So much grim news. Come on, Brock? Could you please leave us on a high note? Okay, I'll try.

April 14th, 2023. Opening day / first screening of the Dracula-inspired comedy, RENFIELD (PHENOMENAL performance by Nic Cage, by the way.). Yes! I wasn't alone! There was a teen couple there!..... along with some old dude seated way up near Heaven! I enjoyed this film very much and laughed the whole way through!! Slight problem. I was the ONLY one laughing.

It was as if I were..... alone.

Asmaa Jamil

Thank you for sharing. Very interesting.

Bill Brock

Asmaa Jamil Thanks for playing along, Asmaa. Have YOU ever been alone in a theater?

Maurice Vaughan

I think movie theaters are still getting back on their feet and more people will start going back to theaters, Bill Brock. Streaming is great, but there's nothing like going to the theater.

And it depends on what day and time you go to the theater. I went to the movies (I think AMC) during the summer between 8th and 9th grade (school-to-work program -- counselor in training). I think it was a Sunday morning, and our theater was empty. I think the movie we saw was a popular kids' movie.

Asmaa Jamil

I have never been alone in a theater which is why I found this interesting.

Tim Bragg

I watched Astroid City when it came out. There were three people in the theatre and half way through the film I was the only one in the theatre.

Bill Brock

Maurice Vaughan Prediction: Theaters will be out of business within three years, Maurice. I pray it doesn't happen, but it doesn't look good. First the shopping malls, now the theaters. Inflation is on track to remain high well into the rest of this DECADE, and with consumers' RECORD-BREAKING credit card debt of 1.3 TRILLION dollars, I just don't see people flocking to movies anymore. I live two miles from that wonderful Regal Theater with 16 screens. Week after week, I scroll through the film offerings and see NOTHING that appeals to me (And I'm a guy that LOVES movies via the theater experience.). I wouldn't waste my time seeing these movies FOR FREE! Most titles I've never even heard of. It's a rainy afternoon here in Virginia. Perhaps, I should go to a movie? Meh. What's the point?

Maurice Vaughan

"Theaters will be out of business within three years." I doubt that, and I hope not, Bill Brock.

Bill Brock

Tim Bragg Wow, Tim. Just sad! I once walked out of what was supposedly the last SAW movie. I had only seen the first one, so I decided to take a chance on the final one. I was so grossed out during the first 5 minutes that I left. Luckily, another horror film, DEVIL, was starting, so I hopped into that theater and was thoroughly entertained! Great suspense and not a lot of worthless gore.

Bill Brock

Maurice Vaughan We shall "see." Can't keep playing to empty seats.

Sam Sokolow

I've been alone or one of only a few people in a theater before - and this was years before the pandemic - and it always made me feel like I was invited to a private screening :) I've also recently had to "find a seat" in the dark of a completely packed theater recently (which made me oddly happy). GMI predicts that the movie theater business will grow by around 5% annually for the next 10 years and I hope they're right!

Maurice Vaughan

You're right, Bill Brock. I think as more and more exciting movies come out people will be back at the theaters. There's a lot of exciting movies coming out this year.

Kat Isberg

Went to opening day of Kung Fu Panda 4 with a 5 year old, packed audience. Of course there were little ones coming and going the whole time but we weren't bothered by their tears, demands, or need for another pee break. However, Friday night in our own small home theater watching Shogun is full of comfortable perks. So comfortable in fact, I don't know what would draw me into a theater without a pause button again and I love watching stories.

Christopher Phillips

I was out for lunch on Sunday afternoon and we drove by one of our many multiplexes here on Long Island, NY. Maybe 5-8 cars in the parking lot. This is with 11 movies that they are carrying on the schedule with such recent entries as Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, Kung Fu Panda 4, and Dune 2. Sad state of affairs.

Geoff Hall

Bill Brock by any chance, Bill, do you go on social media and announce that you’re going to the cinema? ;-) Just a thought.

I went to see Dune 2 and it was packed and a while ago saw The Zone of Interest. It was a smaller screen, but I’d say about 60% full, which considering the topic, wasn’t bad at all.

Tim Bragg

COVID ruin the theatre because studios had to find new ways to show their projects. People got use to streaming and being able to see new movies available the same day they were released into theaters.. like Dan said who is going to pay $29 dollars to watch a movie when you can stream it for less.

Mark Garbett

Went to Dune 2 with my daughter last week; was a great experience and felt like a true event which you just don't get from streamers. Theater full, everyone into it, community of emotion etc. Reminded me of the glory days. So I hope theaters stick around.

Having said this, after the start time there was still about 20 minutes of commercials followed by 15 mins of trailers so the movie actually begins half an hour+ after scheduled, and a small bottle of water was $7 (tix weren't $29 but pretty darn close). So on that level I won't be going as often. Be nice if they gave you the actual start time instead of the pretend start time. But hey, House Atreides!!!

Amanda Toney

Interesting. I’ve been finding that theaters are filing up again - even for the independents. But I might be biased because I’m right in LA. I think it would be a great experience to be alone in a theater - it’s like your own personal screening! Hope you enjoyed the movie Bill!

E Langley

Mark Garbett, at one point legislation was floated to force theaters into stating the actual film start time. It was killed somewhere along the path to law of the land through lobbying efforts.

Mark Garbett

E Langley yet another reason to despise politicians (with apologies to any actual politicians reading this, I'm sure you're the exception.)

Ashley Renee Smith

I know what you mean, Bill Brock. Our local Cinemark Theater is located in a really populated area next to a major shopping center, but it's always pretty empty. They keep half the concessions area shut down at all times and whenever we see a movie, over half of the theater room is empty, even when we saw Dune 2 recently. It's eerie and I get annoyed when they don't have certain concession offerings available because it's not worth them prepping just to sit. I want my Pretzel Bites dammit. But selfishly, I also sorta love it when we have the theater room mostly to ourselves.

Jerry Robbins

The last few times I went to a cinema I had to contend with cell phone glares lighting up in the rows ahead and in my peripheral vision. I had a man two rows in front carrying on with a full-voiced phone conversation like he was in his living room. On a previous visit I went to see a movie a friend of mine was in, and thanks to the new automated projection system, the movie started with the house lights on full. I went into the lobby to find one usher (and one usher only) on duty; he could care less but told me he would tell the manager. Almost an hour and half later the lights went down (for the last 20min of the movie). I should have just left and demanded a refund.

Last year I drove an hour to see the TITANIC reissue in 3D. It had been the first time I went to a theater since 2018. I was alone until just before the movie started when four teenaged girls arrived, and proceeded to laugh and giggle and chat and text for the entire three hours. 1500 people drowning? HAW HAW HAW! Again, no ushers. No one even took my ticket for that one - and these are major cinema chains.

I remember going to movies when ushers would walk the aisle from time to time... "please take your feet off the chair in front of you, please stop talking..." etc. When is the last time you saw an usher check the theater of the movie you were watching... to make sure the presentation was running smooth, to make sure unruly kids got a warning?

I know there are other issues keeping people out of theaters, but this one is my major pet-peeve and one of the reasons I stay away now. My two cents.

Bill Brock

Dan MaxXx HAHAHAHAHHA! Dan! "$29. Fuck that." This quote really made me laugh a few days ago when I was reviewing comments. Catching up on comments today. Read yours again... and laughed AGAIN!! Damn, so funny! "$29. Fuck That." should be the cover story headline on the next issue of VARIETY.

Bill Brock

Tim Bragg Agreed, Tim. $29 to see a movie is a joke! And to think I saw The Rolling Stones in concert in 1981 for 13 BUCKS!!!! Here in VA, movie ticket prices are $12.50. $9.50 for me. Senior discount. Age 61. The kid behind the counter at the Shatner documentary commented that I didn't look like a senior. Should've given HIM a $29 tip.

Bill Brock

Thanks, Everyone, for your STELLAR comments. I'm no longer able to leave notes for each of you individually. Mark Garbett- I absolutely DESPISE sitting through commercials before a film! All- Time record for me was 28 MINUTES just before the horror movie, MEGAN, began! If you buy tickets in advance, employees can provide you with the running time of commercials before the film starts. I bought advance tickets for YOU CAN CALL ME BILL and was informed that the commercial length before the film was only 4 minutes. Good to know!

Bill Brock

Jerry Robbins Great! Now the "direct message" is working once again (see above.). So sorry you had to endure that uncivilized behavior in the theater, Jerry. Ah! TITANIC! One of my favorites! I own a prop life jacket from the film (only 150 were used during production). UGGGGGHHHH! Those 4 girls must've been TORTURE!!! Agreed. The ushers become ghosts once the lights go down. My usher was on top of it though. When I saw the SHATNER film, the usher entered the theater, took a quick look around, and left.

Bill Brock

Ashley Renee Smith Agreed, Ashley. No one mans the box office for tickets anymore at my theater. You have to purchase them at concessions. Irks me to no end because I never buy snacks. I just want a ticket!

Bill Brock

Amanda Toney I always have a blast sitting in a theater alone. Lucky me: I enjoy my own company.

: )

Bill Brock

Geoff Hall HAHAHAHAHAHA! JEFF! Good one! Sometimes I do, if it's a film I really care about in order to promote it. Oooooooooh! I so wanted to see ZONE OF INTEREST. I'll look tomorrow to see if it's still on a big screen somewhere. I hear it's amazing! I have a special place in my heart for small gems and I'm sure ZONE definitely fills the bill.

Geoff Hall

Bill Brock yes, Bill ZONE is an amazing experience and worth seeing on the big screen and hearing the sound design on big ass speakers!

Marcus Fike

The former theater assistant manager (and projectionist) in me wants to say that this was just the timing. I used volunteer to cover weekday and/or afternoon shifts in college because they were usually the quietest, or at least, the least active, so I could get some quick studying done.

I do think what we're seeing right now is a consequence of first, the pandemic, and second, the spike of inflation. I mean, it's hard to justify going to see a show at a theater with a high ticket price (at least around here they're high) when you're trying to figure out how to afford everything else. Pluse, I rarely have time during the work week to take a lunch break, so making to the theater for a show just gets knocked down even further.

For the record, I do love actually going out to a show, and I especially love it when its a packed theater.

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