Screenwriting : A community exercise! by John Mezes

John Mezes

A community exercise!

Hey Stage 32 community! I hope your weekend was both productive yet relaxing. Here's an exercise for all who would like to participate. Fill in the blanks.

I wrote my first screenplay called __________________ in _______ because _____________________________ and it ended up ____________________________

I'll go first....I wrote my first screenplay called Garden of Eden in 2017 because I was moved spiritually by the true life events of an actor who found the true worth of his acting and as a human being by going to a foreign country for a second chance at living and working and it ended up in production in 2023.

Let's hear from everyone! Happy Sunday!

Michael David


Amman Mohammed

I wrote my first screenplay called "High Wisdom" in 2012 because it helped me "keep it together" and it ended up IN STORAGE....

John Mezes

Nicely done, Michael! Happy for the success Jerusalem achieved so far! Have you pitched it to any managers or execs on Stage 32? Alright, Amman, I like that you completed High Wisdom and it gave you some piece of mind. Have you thought about taking it out of storage and getting it in front of a manager or exec here on Stage 32?

Dauntae M Douglas Dauntae M Douglas

I wrote my first screenplay called Virgin Soil in 2023 because I felt that will be World War 3 and it ended up becoming my 1st class project.

Debbie Elicksen

I love this. Can't fill it in for a screenplay but I can for my first book. :)

Martin Reese

I wrote my first screenplay called WAR OF THE BLACK SUN in 2003 (?) because I wanted to write an epic space opera and it ended up being on the backburner due to its epic budget and needing rewrites.

Dan Guardino

I wrote my first screenplay called Web of Deception a long time ago. It is based on a true story. I tried to write it as a novel. I gave up after writing about thirty pages. A few years later I read a how-to-write screenplay book and decided to give it a try and wrote my first screenplay.

John Mezes

Hey, that's great Dauntae! Such an interesting title, Virgin Soil. What's it about? Please do Debbie, I'd like to hear about it. Martin, I understand the restraints that go along with a big budget script. It's a tough price tag on something you felt passionate about writing. Do you think the market landscape will be different enough after the strike ends to open up new opportunities for War of the Black Sun to be picked up? Hi Dan! I'm very happy you returned to Web of Deception and finished it. That is HUGE! So many writers don't return to a script for one reason or another, and I'm glad you did.

Maurice Vaughan

Great exercise, John Mezes! "I wrote my first screenplay called "Suez" (I think it was my first screenplay) in 2006 because I wanted to write a big Fantasy/Adventure script and it ended up being practice."

Jill Godley

Michael David I love that it was on a date from your son, he must be so proud!

Martin Reese

I'd like to think there will be opportunities John Mezes for WAR OF THE BLACK SUN. Heck when I was trying to do most of it all myself (yeah I was crazy) I actually built computer models of the planets for the solar system the battle is fought in. I designed bios for the planets and determined how far from a non-yellow star the planets had to be to support life. But I digress. If I see an opening I may go back to it. I did write a cool short called ICE that introduces the main characters. I always hoped to get that one done as a proof of concept. Darn it now you got re-thinking things John Mezes. LOL!

Amman Mohammed

John Mezes It simply never occurred to me. Go figure.

Rutger Oosterhoff

I wrote my first short screenplay "Unholy Swap" where Kate Bush must judge a 'swapping' contest between God and Satan while decending Mount Purgatory - in 2019; this because I like stories about the 7 sins and wanted to use Mount Everest as the stories' basic structure, being a weird copy of Mount Purgatory -- it ended up being a Hell of a story!

Geoff Hall

I wrote my first screenplay called "One" in 2009, because someone knew I was a writer and paid me to do it. It featured in the 168 Film Festival in Glendale, California. That's when I caught the bug...bitten and twice smitten.

Michael Elliott

I wrote the first draft of "Nobody's Heroes" in early 1984 after attending the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in November 1983. It seemed the nation had finally determined that Vietnam vets were not baby-killing monsters. When pitching the script I say the idea behind this script actually began in late 1967. I was laying face down in a rice paddy, taking fire from North Vietnamese troops dug in behind a tree line. I wondered how my friends who fled to Canada were doing. When mortars began raining down and we were ordered to charge the enemy's fixed position, I wondered, "why in the hell I didn't go with them?" FYI: The script was just named as a Finalist in the 2023 Page Turner International Screenplay Awards.

Zorrawa Jefferson

I wrote my first screenplay called broken promises in 2019 because it was based on my roleplays I did with a friend, it ended up being trashed.

Martin Reese

All can say is Wow Michael Elliott.

David Abrookin

I wrote my first screenplay called NO MORE BUFFALO in 2011 because I love THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY and wanted to adapt it to modern day, and it ended up as a good learning experience that helped me find my voice.

Ty Strange

Technically, I "sketched" out a script with a friend for a short film about running track in high school film class back in '77. It was inspired by the movie ROCKY. But, for this exercise...

I wrote my first screenplay called AIRMED ONE in 2018 because about ten years earlier tragedy befell my community when while on the way to pickup and transport a gunshot victim to a trauma center the air ambulance helicopter crashed during a heavy storm, killing the entire crew, and it ended up receiving three semifinalist screenwriting placements as well an OWA advancement.

Michael Elliott

Martin Reese: it was a walk in the park. LOL

Maurice Vaughan

My condolences to their families and your community, Ty Strange.

Ty Strange

Thx, Maurice Vaughan. For the community it was certainly a, "Where were you when?" moment.

John Mezes

Rutger...Kate Bush the singer? And religion too? Now that's different, and I like different! Please tell me you want to give it a polish with some rewriting and get it out into the creative universe?!

Nicely done Geoff! Have you thought about taking it from the festival to Stage 32 execs?

Michael, first and most important to me, thank you for your service to our country. That small glimpse of seeing combat you provided me with in your comments, such bravery. There's also a lot of humanity in your words too. I applaud you for having the strength to write about it in Nobody's Heroes. Also, congratulations on it becoming a finalist. Must have been cleansing for the soul. Have you thought about getting it in front of some managers/producers her on Stage 32? I think it could find a home with a studio if that's the direction you want to go in.

Zelene, when you say "trashed", do you mean physically destroyed or verbally from another writer or exec? Because if it's the ladder, please remember that's one option, and sometimes, not always an educated, supportive one. Notes are important for growth as a writer, but they should come from a place of constructive honesty and aid with a goal of success for you.

David, the title alone is great and generates interest for me. Have you done any rewriting on it with the hopes of pursuing it's potential?

WOW Ty, writing since 1977, good for you! Dedication to the craft! I so sorry to hear about that tragedy that happened within your community. Terrible. I feel that you honored them with your script though, and others must have felt the same based on it's successes. Any news on the OWA so far?

Ty Strange

Thx, John Mezes. I dabbled with filmmaking for two years in high school but went on to do other things before circling back to the craft in 2012 with novels, then screenplays in 2018.

Until the strike is resolved the OWAs are on hold.

Bill Brock

I wrote my first feature screenplay called PARTY OF 50 in 2013 because I was turning age 50 and decided to try something completely different to mark the milestone-- I wrote, acted, produced, and directed the film, which included invited guests to my actual birthday party, who also happened to be fellow actors / film cast members. It ended up being nominated "Best Film" at the 2014 Eastern North Carolina Film Festival, which was my very first entry into the national film fest circuit. Not a bad start, huh? : )

Robert Bruinewoud

I wrote my first screenplay called TIME WAR in 1982 because I was (at the time) a huge Doctor Who fan and it ended up getting me my first rejection letter. You can read more here:

John Mezes

Nicely done, Bill! A 4 tool player on Party of 50! I'm glad you stuck with writing and can attend our pitch practice sessions as a valued member.

Robert, also a BIG TIME Doctor Who fan here! I can see the motivation in knowing the source, as I have had similar thoughts. Now that's an old school "pass" letter right there. I'm glad you didn't let it deter you from continuing to write. There's so many more stories for you to tell.

Tim Aucoin

I wrote my first screenplay called Dawn in 2011 because it was my first script at Vancouver Film School and it ended up getting optioned before I graduated. The option didn't lead to anything but it was very encouraging.

E Langley

I wrote my first screenplay called CHINATOWN in 1973 because I love Sum Yung Guay, and it ended up being made with the writing credit under my nom de plume - Robert Towne (Polanski added a word here and there).

Jeelan Syed

I wrote my first screenplay called CURRENCY in 2020 because I finally had enough time at hand and a great drive to become a screenwriter. It was picked up by Ramo Law. It was also picked up by an independent producer and lastly some terrific pitch feedback.

Emily J

I wrote my first screenplay called 'Jamie Bond' in 1998(?) because Austin Powers was really big in my house (it initially bombed) and then we found/loved James Bond and I feel like all comedy writers tend to start with parody, and it ended up filmed and on copies of VHS and DVDs that are seemingly lost in a storage unit hahah

John Mezes

Congrats Tim! Well done for a first screenplay! You must have been very proud of your work. Have you considered returning to it and getting it out in front of some Stage 32 managers or producers?

Well played E Langley.

Nicely done Jeelan! Congrats! Who did you settle with since there were two parties interested?

Jeelan Syed

John Mezes Thank you! It's currently with Ramo Law.

Vincent DeVito

I wrote my first screenplay called Keith in 2008 because I couldn't get the story out of my head (about the real-life 60's singer Keith who disappeared after recording his hit song 98.6) and it ended up being the only screenplay of mine to date that no one else has ever read. It's still my favorite story -- I feel like all seven of the scripts I've written since then have been practice for when I finally go back and tackle the rewrite...

Sam Sokolow

I wrote my first screenplay called THE DEFINITE MAYBE in 1993 because I wanted to make an independent film about being in your early 20's - your not a kid anymore but not yet an adult - the tagline was "the story of two ox-morons" and it ended up getting made for a microbudget and became the first film self distributed using the internet. Amazing memories of a crazy chapter.

Chelita Hagan

I wrote my first screenplay called New Flame which actually is a web series but my first short is called Valerie in 2016. The web series ended up winning numerous screenplay awards and Valerie I haven’t entered any contest yet.

Craig D Griffiths

I wrote my first screenplay called _The Valley_ in 2015 because my brother in-law told me a story and I thought I could do better and it ended up selling to TwoHotFilms in the UK.

John Mezes

Good for you, Jeelan! Happy for you!

In my humble opinion, Vincent, that rewrite on Keith is due now. Simply for the fascinating aspect of the script. Now I want to know what happened if his disappearance was ever solved. RABBITT HOLE ALERT!!!! lol. If you ever want to share the script, I'd love to read it in a script swap.

WOW, Sam, that is GREAT! Such relevance and importance , even now or 1993. A bit of history in your journey. Good for you!

Hi Chelita! Congrats on the success of New Flame so far! Hoping for great things for Valerie as well.

Nicely done, Craig. Enjoying the confidence. Belated Congrats to you.

Chris Todd

I wrote my first screenplay in 2010 because my buddy and I needed an excuse to get together regularly and drink and it ended up being very funny, but largely a mess to remain forever in google drive.

John Mezes

Time to dust off that script, Chris! A good comedy never goes out of style. I'll bet with a few rewrites that script finds a home. You could pitch it right here on Stage 32.

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