I've put in many written pitches over the last few months. When you submit a written pitch, and if you click on "View Order Status" you get a progress bar on the pitch being delivered. The last part of that progress bar is "Review Delivered".
Does "Review Delivered" mean that the receiver of the pitch has looked at your pitch and delivered a "Yay" or "Nay" or "Script Request"?
The crux of my conundrum is: Am I missing seeing Script Requests? I always just assumed they'd email.
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After a pitch, If an industry pro requests your script, the bar will turn from red to a light blue and instruct you to upload your screenplay. Review delivered means that the review has been delivered by the pro, so the whole bar will be red and the pro's evaluation of your pitch is there to scroll down to.
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Thank you, John. That was very helpful. :)
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Corinne Friesen (Lovarra) You're welcome, Corinne.
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Hey Corinne Friesen (Lovarra)! I'm the Writer Liaison and just wanted to jump in on this - John is correct, when it says 'Review Delivered' you will have your feedback from the executive. If there is a request for the script or a meeting, it will say in the feedback as well. If you have any other questions about pitches or Stage 32 Script Services, shoot me an email at success@stage32.com!
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You'll see it when it comes in. I've sent out a couple now and gotten some great feedback.