Screenwriting : Could this guy make a good main character? by Zorrawa Jefferson

Zorrawa Jefferson

Could this guy make a good main character?

What do you guys think? Should I dial him down a bit or is he alright so far?

Bill Albert

This does have some posibilities but would like to know more about him.

Zorrawa Jefferson

@Bill in this story he's a team leader and is helping the girls navigate the forest safely. Just wanted to see people's first impressions of him

Maurice Vaughan

I think Jasper could be an interesting main character, Zorrawa Jefferson. He seems like a team leader who's so determined to help the girls reach their goal, he's taking things too far (a flaw). If that's the case, I suggest giving him a reason for acting that way. Maybe one of his parents wanted him to reach his goal and took things too far. And if that's the way Jasper is, I don't think you need to dial him down.

Craig D Griffiths

Main characters are not interesting as a person. It is their interaction with their goals and the story.

He could be a hero helping them escape, he could be a kidnapper, he could be a cop. He is just a guy screaming at woman.

Rutger Oosterhoff

As Craig says. Or said in a slightly different way:

There is just too little story to judge about, first page or not. There simply isn't enough context yet. Pro or amateur judging this page, that doesn't even matter. Could be great, I just don't know. The only thing I can say is that I would cut the "ing" form.

Dan MaxXx

Too little to tell you what works or don't work but dialogue directing (to actors) isn't right (IMO).

Matthew Kelcourse

Hi Zorrawa - my thought: it's your character. Protagonist or antagonist (antihero?), it's your clay to mold as you see fit.

Dan Guardino

All capping dialogue means they are shouting like it is life and death. I am not sure that is the case here.

Jelica Zdravković

Try not to stress over every little thing, at least not yet. You'll make a lot of drafts anyway.

If you set up the place correctly and have developed characters, the dialogue will come on its own.

Dan Guardino

Zorrawa Jefferson You should show where Trudy is in the scene before her dialogue.


Instead of "Jasper loves every moment of it", It's better to describe his action like how he express that he is enjoying. keep writing. All the best!

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