Screenwriting : Final Draft Index cards by Karen Stark

Karen Stark

Final Draft Index cards

Does anyone know how you create Index cards in Final Draft 11? I've only ever used the Beat Sheets. I can open up the Index and create the first card. In that box I can add title and then summary. I can't however see how you then create the second card and so forth. Does this function only work if the script is in place first. Like a summary of what you have written already? Or can you use the Index card feature to outline all your scenes, like a normal human being! I did the googling and the googling is all old school FD which doesn't relate.

Karen Stark

Stop the press I figured something out! well my tech savvy son did! So now I have the box up by right clicking the mouse and hit insert new scene. However it still says page 1. I will write on dude and see where I end up...

Karen Stark

Ok so to close this rather redundant post off. According to Manuel the Manual, as far as I can see the Index cards only operate along side the writing of the Page itself. You can create Index Cards for one page only. I assume when the script page is full of words then it moves automatically onto the second page and numbers accordingly. Basically you write your scene and the index card fills in. Then you can switch over to summary and add must does or something you need to address. I guess the Beat sheet is replacing the Index cards for straight out scene plotting. Anyway I'll leave this here as it may help someone along the yellow brick road. Thanks guys couldn't have done it without you... ;-)

Karen Stark


Dwayne Conyers

I have never used them... but now you have me thinking...

Karen Stark

Kay that gives me comfort. I don't know about you but I came from a child hood of climbing trees, and swimming in rivers, tech can be alien to me sometimes. I'm going to attack it gain today and see where I get though.

Anthony Moore

Never used that feature in FinalDraft, but I use it all the time in WriterDuet. It's especially helpful during a rewrite where you have to move scenes around.

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