Screenwriting : How do I find script doctoring and ghostwriting work? by Nicole Sacker

Nicole Sacker

How do I find script doctoring and ghostwriting work?

Hi community-- I'm a writer--have written 9 screenplays. I wanted to know if anyone has any leads on how I could go about getting script doctoring and ghostwriting work. I don't have an agent. Other than looking on craigslist, I would be hugely appreciative of any help and ideas in this matter. Maybe we can even look for work together--I'm not greedy ;-) Let me know, Nicole

Nicole Sacker

Thanks for the tips, Sam!

Danny Manus

Have you sold or optioned any of them or won any major contests? Have a manager?

Anthony Cawood

Keep an eye on, my 4th article is on where to find work... I'll try and remember to pop back here with the link when it's up... don't forget to put some time in to trying to get the one's you've already done produced.

Laurie Ashbourne

All of my script work and ghostwriting comes from word of mouth and I have mounds of work. You need some credits/credentials and testimonials to back up your service but it all starts with building a network. Craigslist and elance are mot the best route for screenwriting. Look to get a start with local filmmakers in your area and build from there

Nicole Sacker

Thanks for all the varied feedback, guys. I might ask you more questions individually. I did have a manager once but I don't currently. I was young and impatient and he wasn't doing enough for me so I fired him after two years. I've written a couple scripts for producers so far for deferred pay each time... And of course the films haven't been made yet. The rest have been my specs. I'm currently writing a script that I intend to shoot myself and direct -- I went to film school so I sort of came to writing from the "I want to be a director" path and since having children have been much more drawn to screenwriting, and other writing in general, as it's more schedule-friendly. Anyway I will certainly heed the advice of you guys--thanks again! Great community here, Nicole

Shankar Pandalai

Nicole, if you want to be in any to be in any writing work, and NOT just [ONLY] in Screenwriting work, please send a message to me.

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