How many of us get story ideas that just pop in, depending on the situation we find ourselves in at that moment? I have been working on a serialized show that includes many, many references and stories from my actual life. I was just in Florida for a week visiting my family and the place where I grew up, the ideas just began to flow! It feels euphoric sometimes to be able to "re-find" those hidden memories from long ago.
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I love this! Thanks for sharing.
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That happens to me, Nick Brengle. I'll look at things (photos, items, etc.) and get ideas. Sometimes what I look at has nothing to do with the idea I get.
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The ideas suddenly come in mind for me. I can't really explain it. They just do.
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Happens frequently to me, Nick Brengle. I think that's how the creative mind works, always looking for ideas whether we know it or not.
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My job is so mind numbingly boring that I have plenty of time to contemplate possible story options. It's amazing what springs to mind ... the biggest problem is remembering them long enough to write it down on my break.
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Nick Brengle I love it when that happens. I typically document those (including dreams) and revisit them later.
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Thank you for sharing!
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Happens to me too!